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Lab report for synthesis of polystyrene Essay Example

Lab report for combination of polystyrene Paper Every monomer is fused into the polymer is known as a recurrent unit or monomer buildup. ...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Central Concerns in John Thompsons Political Scandal Essay

Central Concerns in John Thompsons Political Scandal - Essay Example This is because there was no perception of accountability to the public in many societies in the past. Moreover the dissemination of scandals far and wide, and as frequently as is possible, is made possible by the development of a plethora of media now available. This has resulted in lots of unearthing of covert actions of people in power. There are some people who look at the media coverage of scandals as a form of entertainment available to the people. However many consider the role of media as that of vigilant watch dog that unearths the wrongs in society and brings remedial action and plugs in all loopholes that encourage public figures to circumvent regulations and act in their private interest. Many recent books have come out on this subject and John Thompson's book, Political Scandal has made a significant contribution to the ongoing debate on the subject by an analysis of public scandals as churned out by the media and its effect on accountability of high ranking public figures, the effect of this on the erosion of credibility associated with their office and a host of other illuminating aspects of the problem. Thompson considers political scandals as violations of prescribed process and transgressions of regulations, which have been incorporated, in the democratic system as a measure to avoid misuse or check the deviation to unilateral action by a person who has a public responsibility. After the media has gained such significance as tools that can form the attitudes of people and influence the way they cast the vote, there has been a conscious attempt to throw the weight of the media in competitive politics. Thomson sees the reputation of the individual politician as the key asset that will determine his edge over his opponent in the process of election. The media is on the look out for transgressions committed by an individual as a matter of priority in its reporting due to various reasons. While some media report these transgressions merely to enhance their readership or viewer ship others may be committed to their role as watchdog Page 3 in a healthy democracy. In addition to this, in competitive politics, the motive may be to tarnish the reputation of the opponent by constant bombardment of the opponent by targeting weakest points. In this tendency Thompson sees the dangers of dragging political non-issues related to the personal conduct of public figures into vortex of media reporting. In many democracies, including some of the old and celebrated ones, the narrow-minded struggle for power heavily draws on the repertoire of sex scandals real or concocted to deal a deathblow to the reputation of the other. The mud slinging campaigns and personal vituperation that appear so blatantly in the media, Thompson, warns will undermine the social trust of the democratic system (p.251). The exposure of political scandals if undertaken responsibly, Thompson believes, can strengthen the democratic institutions. What he calls power scandals are those that contravene or seek to circumvent the rules, laws and established procedures that govern the exercise of political power (P.196). In a democratic set up power is to be exercised openly and the role of the media as a watchdog makes the exercise of the power an openly done task and hence accountable. However Thompson does not think

Monday, October 28, 2019

Placenta Previa Essay Example for Free

Placenta Previa Essay The topic I have chosen for my journal is placenta previa. My patient, 39-year-old M.C came in to the hospital for her fourth cesarean delivery. She has three healthy children that are twenty, ten and two years old. She is not a good candidate for vaginal birth because she has an android or heart shaped pelvis. The birth of her first child resulted in an emergency cesarean delivery and she has opted to have planned cesarean deliveries since then. During this pregnancy M. C had preeclampsia, which is an increase in blood pressure after 20 weeks gestation, which is also commonly accompanied by protenuria. During this pregnancy M.C also had placenta previa, which is a placental implantation in the lower uterine segment over or near the internal os of the cervix (Buckley Schub, 2013). M.C did not have this complication in her other 3 pregnancies. It is a very rare occasion occurring in only 2 per 1,000 births or 0.3-0.5% of all pregnancies in the United States. Placenta previa occurs during the second or third trimester. There are three types of placenta previa, which are total, partial and marginal. M.C presented with marginal placenta previa also known as low lying, which occurs when the edge of the placenta reaches the internal cervical os (Buckley Schub, 2013). The cause of placenta previa is not known but it may be from abnormal vascularization due to a prior uterine injury (Buckley Schub, 2013). M.C presented with vaginal bleeding during her pregnancy and that is when she found out about her condition. Placenta previa is the most common cause of bleeding in the second half of pregnancy (Buckley Schub, 2013). If a patient presents with sudden, painless vaginal bleeding beyond 20 weeks gestation than placenta previa should be suspected. If placenta previa is suspected the use of a transvaginal ultrasound is the most useful diagnostic tool and has an accuracy of 100% in diagnosing placenta previa. After M.C was diagnosed with placenta previa she was ordered to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy and was monitored very closely by her obstetrician. There are many potential complications that come with placenta previa and a few are premature rupture of membranes, preterm birth, placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage, anemia, infection disseminated intravascular coagulation, shock, renal failure, thrombophlebitis and maternal or fetal death (Buckley Schub, 2013). According to Buckley Schub, (2013) â€Å" for women who have had multiple cesarean deliveries the risk for placenta previa can reach 10%† and M.C had three previous cesarean sections which could be a reason why she developed this condition. M.C was carrying a boy and placenta previa is also more common in pregnancies with male fetuses (Buckley Schub, 2013). Fortunately M.C was able to carry her baby boy to term but 50% of women with placenta previa have a preterm delivery. The treatment goals for patients with placenta previa is to monitor the mothers vital signs, vaginal bleeding and watch for physiologically signs of hemorrhage, shock and infection. Closely monitor the fetal heart tones for any type of distress such as bradycardia, tachycardia and late and variable decelerations. Closely monitor post-surgical patients for bleeding, infection and other complications. Assess the patient’s anxiety level and any knowledge deficits the patient might have regarding placenta previa. Provide the patient is emotional support, education regarding the condition and reassurance that the prognosis is usually good.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Difficulties of Immigrating to the USA :: Immigration Labor Jobs Migrating Essays Papers

â€Å"U.S. policy-makers and the general public believe causes of immigration are evident: poverty, unemployment, economic stagnation and overpopulation drive people to leave their countries† (Sassen, p.14). In many cases this can be a true statement, however, during the course of study it was found there are many other factors influencing migration to the United States. Either way, migration to America can only happen in two different forms, legally or illegally. The U.S. Border Patrol effortlessly tries to contain the flow of people across state lines, but the main reason this epidemic exists stems from the policies that deter people from taking the legal route. The processes involved to becoming an elite member of the American society is costly, time consuming, frustrating and can often lead to dead ends. By performing a case study on an immigrant that is taking the legal approach, the conclusion can be drawn on why individuals slip under the citizenship radar. The Netherlands, Amsterdam, a country and city with extremely liberal laws and open policies. The visualization were Dutchmen and women walk around in wooden shoes and wear large hats, why exactly would a person travel half way across the world and land in the United States? A non-bordering country, fairly unaffected by globalization and maquiladoras. I sat down a talked with a native Dutchman and asked him many of the questions from my opening paragraph and this is what I learned. His name is Koos Van Leeuwen, he lives in the northwest valley of Phoenix, Arizona: â€Å"Kevin, did it work out for in California? With the job interview you had? Were the offers they made any good? I did not get my working permit yet. Because my boss has to give more proof that they need all the education I have had. I might be over educated. But we'll see how it works out. Question 1=what made you migrate to the united states? I was studying Theology at the University of Utrecht. At the end of my studies I wanted to travel, because that is more than likely the only time that you will have the opportunity to travel. Later on you get a job and then a home and traveling for a longer period of time becomes more and more difficult. I had a few countries I wanted to visit: Japan, Canada, Australia or

Thursday, October 24, 2019

James Madison Essay

James Madison, Federalist Paper #51, 1788 â€Å"In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate governments, Hence a double security rises to the rights of the people. The different governments will each control each other, at the same ume that each will be controlled by Itself. † Note: Madison’s Idea of division of power between central and state governments is known as Federalism, Specific power divisions can be seen in the chart below. Document Analysis 1. A â€Å"compound† is something made of two or more pieces. What are the two pieces that make up Madison’s compound government? The central/national government and the state governments 2. What word ending in â€Å"ism† is another word for this kind ot compound government? Federalism . How does this compound government provide â€Å"double security’ to the people? The central and state governments will check each other’s power. Also, the branches within each level of government will provide checks and balances. 4. Using the chart above, can you see a pattern In the types of power the Constitution reserved for the State governments? States seem to have power over the more local and personal issues (school. marriages†¦ ). These personal liberties were too important for the framers to put into the hands of the national government. Governments closer to the people (the state overnments) would be more in tune with the feelings and cultures of their arem 5. How does federalism guard against tyranny? By distributing certain powers between the central government and the states neither could tyrannize (gain absolute power) over the nation or the nation’s people. Document

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brief History of the English Language

Brief History of the English Language OLD ENGLISH 5th Century —three Germanic tribes —-the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes arrived in the British Isles. The Angles were named from ENGLE, their land of origin. Their language was called ENGLISC from which the word, English is derived. The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes became known as the Anglo-Saxons. The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes became known as the Anglo-Saxons. Some words such as church, bishop, baptism, monk, eucharis, and presbyter came indirectly through Latin and Greek.The VIKINGS, also known as Norsemen, invaded England by the 8th century , which in turn, gave English a Norwegian and Danish influence. MIDDLE ENGLISH When William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded England, he became its king. French became the language of the court, administration, and culture. It was the language used in schools. The English language became mostly the language of the uneducated classes and was considered a vulgar tongue. Similar article: Failure in English LanguageMost of the English words rooted in French are words that have something to do with power, such as crown, castle, parliament, army, mansion, gown, banquet, art, poet, romance, duke, servant, peasant, traitor, and governor. MODERN ENGLISH Modern English developed after Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany around 1450 and William Caxton established England’s first printing press at Westminster abbey in 1476.Printing also brought standardization of English. Between the 18th to 20th centuries, the English language continued to change as the British Empire moved across the world—- to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, Asia, and Africa. American and British variants are the INTERNATIONALLY accepted variants of the English language. Differences of AE and BE Spelling center—– centre program— programme color—— colour

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chemical and Physical Changes Lab Report Essays

Chemical and Physical Changes Lab Report Essays Chemical and Physical Changes Lab Report Paper Chemical and Physical Changes Lab Report Paper Because the glassware is glass, they may break and as such must be handled gently. All glassware should be inspected for cracks before starting the lab. Ill. Pre-Lab Questions- 1 . Identify the following as either chemical or physical changes: A. Striking a match- Chemical B. Food Spoiling- Chemical C. Breaking a Glass- Physical D. Mowing the Grass- Physical E. Leaves Decaying- Chemical F. Boiling Water- Physical 2. In your own words, state the Law of Conservation of Mass: The Law of the Conservation of Matter says the matter can be neither created nor destroyed. . List the indicators of a chemical change: Chemical change can be illustrated in many forms such as rust, decay, light Ewing produced, heat being given off or cold being given off, and color change. These are simply a few and are not all of them. 4. Identify each as an element, compound, or mixture: A. Air- Compound B. Sulfur- Element C. Hydrogen Gas- Element D. Salad- Mixture E. Water- Compound F. Sodium Bicarbonate- Compo und G. Fruit Punch- Compound H. Sodium Chloride (table salt)- Compound IV. Procedure- Experiment 1- Combine a few iron filings along with sulfur powder on an unused piece of paper. Mix the samples well with a scoopful. Examine the mixture with a magnifying lass and record your observation. Next, move the magnet under the mixture and reexamine it with a magnifying glass once again and record the observations. Discard the sample. Experiment 2- Fill a small beaker half way with cold water. Obtain a test tube with warm bath water and add the warm bath water with the cold water in the beaker. Record all observations. Clean up by simply removing the solid from the water and placing it in the trash can and dump the water down the sink. Experiment 3- Place a piece of magnesium in a clean, dry test tube. Next, add 10 drops of MM HCI. Record observations. Carefully touch the bottom of the test tube to check for the change in temperatures. Flush contents down the sink with plenty of water. Experiment 4- Transfer small amounts of sodium bicarbonate into a clean, dry test tube. Add 10 drops of MM HCI individually. Touch the bottom of the test tube and record all observations. Wash all the leftovers down the sink. Experiment 5- Mix 10 drops of barium chloride solution in a test tube with sodium sulfate solution. Record all observations in the data table and then pour down the sink. Experiment 6- Mix a small scoop of sodium chloride with 2 ml of water in a test tube. Record all observations and wash down the sink. V. Data and Observations- Experiment # Mass and Observations Chemical or Physical? When the magnet was held under the piece of paper, the iron stood up and followed the magnet physical 2 The warm water became a solid when added to the cold water physical 3 When the MM HCI was added, the liquids began to bubble and heat up, which is exothermic chemical 4 When the MM HCI was added, the liquids began to bubble once again and the liquids cooled, which was endothermic chemical When the barium chloride was added, the color changed and the consistency changed to a more milky consistency physical 6 When the small scoop of sodium chloride was added to the water, nothing could be observed as happening physical VI. Calculations- VII. Post Lab Questions- 1. In which lab did you observe a precipitate? A precipitate was observed in experiment number 2. 2. In which did you observe energy change? An energy change was observed in experiment number 1 when potential energy changed to mechanical energy. 3. In which did you observe a color change? A color was observed in experiment was observed in experiment number 5 when it became a milky color. 4. In which did you observe the formation of a gas? None of the experiments performed by my group resulted in the formation of any gases of any sort. VIII. Conclusion- The purpose of this lab was to identify what a chemical change and what a physical change is. A chemical change is when bonds are broken and new ones are forced to form. Some indicators are a change are exothermic (heats up), endothermic (cools off), precipitate (solid forms), and color change. In he first experiment when the magnet was under the sheet of paper with the iron filings, the iron filings stood up on their end and followed the magnet around, changing from potential energy into mechanical energy. In the second experiment performed, a precipitate formed, a solid was formed out of the warm water when it was added to the cold water. In experiment three, an exothermic change occurred when the magnesium and MM WHQL where combined, resulting in bubbling of the two and then the test tube heating up. Then in experiment four, an endothermic change occurred when the sodium bicarbonate and MM HCI ere combined in the test tube and the test tube cooled down. In experiment five, there was a color change when the barium chlorine and sodium sulfate were combined resulting in a new milky color which also now had a milky consistency. In the sixth experiment, as far as I could tell, nothing happened in the sixth experiment. IX. Error Analysis- The only possible error I can see is if my group made an error of some sort of error in experiment number 6 when nothing happened, and it just seems like something should have happened in the experiment.

Monday, October 21, 2019

English Comparison Essay essays

English Comparison Essay essays Traditional bush stories have always been a part of Australia's history; involving many types of characters like Drovers and Shearers, just to name a couple. Many writers have portrayed these traditional bush characters in different ways! The two bush stories "The Drovers Wife" and "The Graziers Wife" are set in two different time eras and written by two authors from totally different time periods. Both of the main characters in each of the bush stories are quite similar in certain ways yet very different! This essay will compare their personalities their lifestyle and lives in general. "The Drover's Wife" is a very traditional bush story, which mainly focuses a young wife of a Drover who usually lives alone with her three young children on their property deep in the bush. Her husband, "a drover, an ex-squatter, is away with sheep ." "The Drover's Wife" is a tough, strong-willed woman who is devoted to her husband, her children and their farm. The only thing she does for recreation and excitement is read the "Young Ladies' Journal". The whole family, (two parents and four children) live in a "two roomed house made of bark." A recent drought has forced her husband to "sacrifice the remnant of his flock and go droving again ." She doesn't seem to regret the life she has but often she speaks fondly about her "girlish hopes and aspirations, which have long been dead. " During the story a dangerous, venomous snake slips under the house and being the devoted other she piles her four children on top of a table and sacrifices a whole nights sleep to keep watch for the snake. 'The Graziers Wife' is also a very similar bush story written by Christobel Mattingley except it is set around the middle of the 20th Century, about 1960s, 1970's. While The Drover's Wife had to live without her husband, 'The Grazier's Wife' has her husband by her side to work with and to help on the far. Like 'The Drover's Wife' she also ha...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Parataxis and Hypotaxis

Parataxis and Hypotaxis Parataxis and Hypotaxis Parataxis and Hypotaxis By Maeve Maddox When a reader asked me to write about â€Å"the terms parataxis and hypotaxis and how they relate to Beowulf,† I had to laugh. Don’t get me wrong. I’m quite a fan of Beowulf. Wearing my academic hat, I’ve written more than one essay about this treasure of English literature, but somehow it doesn’t strike me as a suitable topic for the DWT audience. I was pleased by the request, but put it away at the bottom of my idea file. Now, however, I’m ready to write about parataxis and hypotaxisnot as they relate to Beowulf, but as they relate to non-academic writing. parataxis: the placing of clauses one after another, without connecting words (conjunctions) to show the relation between them. Dickens employs parataxis in his opening to A Tale of Two Cities: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way Hypotaxis, on the other hand, refers to the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions to indicate the relation between clauses. Here’s a passage from Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit that illustrates hypotaxis: After losing [his shoes], he ran on four legs and went faster, so that I think he might have got away altogether if he had not unfortunately run into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket. Parataxis is common in conversation, as illustrated in this passage written by an author noted for his ability to capture contemporary speech: Actually, Chris said, you get right down to it, Phylliss the one does all the talking. She gives me banking facts about different kinds of annuities, fiduciary trusts, institutional liquid asset fundsIm sitting here trying to stay awake, shes telling me about the exciting world of trust funds. –Elmore Leonard, Freaky Deaky. Hemingway’s narrative style was so paratactic as to sound babyish: Manuel drank his brandy. He felt sleepy himself. It was too hot to go out into the town. Besides there was nothing to do. He wanted to see Zurito. He would go to sleep while he waited. Hemingway got away with it, but a college freshman or a business executive who wrote like that would not be regarded as much of a communicator. Clear writing demands connecting words like if, because, and so. As for a discussion of parataxis and hypotaxis in Beowulf, I’ll leave that to the scholars who love to argue about such things. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to Avoid44 Resume Writing TipsHow to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Relevance of Martial Arts in Modern Society Essay

Relevance of Martial Arts in Modern Society - Essay Example The most interesting aspect of Martial Art is that it is found in wide range of styles which though based on primary philosophy of awareness and self defense, offers different people to choose a style which most appeals to their temperament. In recent years there has been increased interest in Martial Art, which is a wonderful thing. Martial Art has profound relevance in the present day modern lifestyle. Interestingly, in modern world with globalization and inter-cultural integration the term "Martial Art" has come to mean different things to different people. There are different styles depending upon different institutions and the place of origin. Martial Art, as is prevalent today covers a wide range of activities from hard core training for self defense to relaxed, esoteric and higher spiritual practices leading to meditation and relaxation aimed at sole fitness, health and relaxation. There is no universal standard which dictates the style of Martial Art. There has been linked muti-dimensional benefits from practice of martial Art, affecting different facet of modern life of humans. There is significant relevance of such training in the fast-paced terrorism dominated modern life, where safety and harmony are essential goals. Martial Art places great importance to character development... Those who take up Martial Art seriously, realize that with passage of time the practice of their chosen style of martial Art eventually became part of their life and changes them subtly as a person. The change is manifested in such a subtle manner that they are unaware of the transformation which has taken place in them internally and externally, altering their state of awareness to a higher degree of response and reflex. Universally, people lack conscious self-awareness of precisely why they do what they do and are surprised at the relevance which their training has on how they live their everyday life in the world. Martial Art is essentially taken as a technique for self defense, and that is how it evolved. Martial Art was first developed as a means to self preservation, a defense against cruel and savage world of ancient times, when survival of the fittest was the criterion for life. It was not acknowledged as a matter of recreation or sport, but an essential tool for survival, on which depended human beings life or death. With the evolution of human beings and emergence of developed societies, the role of martial Art changed to that of a means to preserve and protect the society. Eventually, they developed into warfare methods with enhanced fighting techniques using swords shields, spears, axes, lances etc. and had great practical relevance in the changing modern world to maintain order and control. The relevance of martial art changed with evolution of the society. The technique of warfare changed and so did the urban lifestyles. This presented a significant need for organized methods of tr aining for individual self defense and personal dueling

Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment Essay

Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment differ from kidnapping How does it differ from false arrest - Essay Example The detective later learns that the person is innocent, but still go ahead to lock the person up. It could then be said that the detective has falsely imprisoned the individual and this is a clear case of false imprisonment. It should be noted that false imprisonment differs from kidnapping in so many ways. While false imprisonment is usually done by officers of the law, kidnapping is not in any way done by officers of the law. Kidnapping is the criminally act of abducting somebody forcefully against their will and it is usually done for ransom. False imprisonment is usually carried out with the officers that made the false imprisonment giving the impression that they are working according to the statutes of the law, while kidnapping is in every way against the law. Thus, to a certain extent false imprisonment has the support of the law at least up to the extent that it has been established that it is false imprisonment. While kidnapping on the other hand does not have the support of the law in any way (Friedman, 2002). False imprisonment differs from false arrest in the sense that while false imprisonment generally involves the imprisonment of an individual by a detective or an officer of the law, false arrest does not necessarily ends in imprisonment.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Barn Burning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Barn Burning - Essay Example He maintains the same mentality all through the story and the same causes for his ultimate tragedy. Faulkner uses various symbols and motifs in order to provide a word picture of the characters and the story. Fire is used as a very powerful symbol and it has got a devastating power in controlling the actions of the story. That is why the poet off and on brings fire to the scenes. Analyzing the use of fire in the story, it is evident that Snopes takes it as the proper way to cover his inherent powerlessness and his quest for power and self expression. It is this powerlessness that made him to view other’s life with jealousy and contempt. By burning the barn, he underlines this thought and resumes his actions even after the punishment from the court. The way he prepares fire for the family is notable. He loves his family too much and dedicates himself for his family. He scolds and even strikes his son, Sartoris for not supporting the family in the crisis. After burning the barn and the family run out of the town, Snopes makes a small fire by the road side which was really insufficient for protecting the family from the cold season. It indicates that he could not protect his family i n a critical juncture, even if he is capable of committing fiery crimes. Snopes takes fire as a weapon to cover his inability and he regards it as the means of protecting his integrity. Being powerless and poor, he depends on fire as the right method to avenge upon his false concepts. Therefore, the fire in the story is symbolic to the powerlessness or impotency of Snopes. The soiled rug is another symbol that Faulkner uses effectively in order to unveil the grudge of Snopes to the lordship. Snopes uses horse manure to soil the carpet the house of Major de Spain. Here one could identify the change in Snopes modes operandi in committing crimes. It is the first time that

Bmw Company Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bmw Company Analysis - Essay Example BMW is and always will be looking for new and innovative vehicles to develop in accordance with the needs and wants of the customers while keeping the environment and safety precautious as number one on the priority list. The all-hybrid vehicle is just one example of such a strategy that is in store for the customers. The other important step that BMW would be taking is to increase value for the customers while achieving higher profitability and growth targets with the programme to tap 6 billion Euros in efficiency potential by 2012. Furthermore the shareholders would benefit from company success to a greater extent and their confidence will be regained. New targets set by the CEO in September, 2007 to regaining the sales target of 8% to 10% in the Automobile segment will quieten down the non-ambitious target critics. Also, to solve its declining Dollar problem, BMW will use natural hedging and increase its purchases primarily in US dollars. Specialized Competitors exist in the industry. Luxury vehicles Mercedes and Audi and Lexus compete directly with some of the classes of BMW. It is tougher for BMW to compete than other premium car makers because it lacks the competition’s economies of scale. Audi uses components and engines from its huge Volkswagen owner just like Lexus uses many crucia l from Toyota’s while Mercedes trucks and smaller cars can provide hidden content for more luxurious models.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate Governance - Essay Example This is whereby the firm is able to bargain and receive discounts on the account that it is able to buy more at once. Since the firm has the capability of buying large stocks at a go those involved are able to negotiate easily in terms of buying price. The firm will later sell at a higher price that will result in the making of profits within it. There is combining of complementary resources. For instance, these two firms were complementing each other in terms of resources and in exchange both get money, that will now be over and the acquiring company will not pay any individual. If Frankfurt stock exchange took over the London stock exchange, this simply means that it will not be incurring the expenses for the complementary services it used to receive from the London counterpart. Another advantage is garnering tax advantages. In this context the, only the acquisition firm will pay tax. Conversely, the acquired firm will not pay any tax. Therefore, this means that expenses towards ta xes will reduce and hence more money is left that will be counted as profit for the firm. There is also the advantage of elimination of inefficiency within the firms. Merging may mean acquiring the best employees who would carry out their duties efficiently and this may eliminate ineffectiveness that is associated with losses. This will result into more profits being made by the firm. Merging may also lead to purchasing customers and therefore increasing market share. This will directly translate to increased sales and hence more profits since the completion has been eliminated and activities are being done jointly. Subsequently, merging may enable the firm to obtain any proprietary rights that are associated with goods and services of another company. For instance if the London based... The intention of this study is corporate governance, a broad term that encompasses many aspects as concerns the business. It may be said to be the way in which any business that exists is run and conducted and includes the rules and laws by which the partners of the firms must abide which are not a choice but an obligation. Any firm constitutes stakeholders who may be the management, directors and shareholders. Within them, a relationship is simply corporate governance. It also may mean the structuring of the objectives and goals of the firm and how to achieve them. All these are aimed at creating business merger or simply a takeover. A merger occurs one firm presupposes all the liabilities and all the assets of another company. This is usually aimed at a financial gain to the acquisition firm. Usually the acquiring firm retains its name while the acquired firm is eliminated and thus no longer exists as a firm or an entity. There exist many advantages of making a merger in the busine ss world. These advantages are all directed at making financial gains. This has been prompted by the high competition that exists in the market. Therefore, firms seek to have a bigger market shares that will definitely translate to higher profits and hence financial gains. In as much as the merging process looks and in that matter seems profitable, it has gotten disadvantages that represent the negative part of it. Therefore, such issues though few, they may never be ignored. Among them is that there may be overestimation associated with the valuation progression.

The Challenges and Benefits of a Multicultural Curriculum Essay

The Challenges and Benefits of a Multicultural Curriculum - Essay Example Multicultural education as an international educational reform movement has attracted researchers, experts from different fields, and policy-makers. Immigration and the experiences of migrants are common across many first world nations, such as the United States, and the more affluent European Nations (Ramsey, Williams & Vold., 2003, p. 5). Research has shown that a more proactive stance in addressing the issues have significantly increased the performance level and achievement ratings of the migrant students in schools. Despite the challenges that are encountered in embracing the multicultural approach, the benefits are remarkable and exemplary which will be discussed in the succeeding sections of the paper. In discussing multicultural education, three terms are often used and easily confused: race, ethnicity and culture. The race is referred to the â€Å"biological and genetic traits that distinguish one among populations that have originated from different regions†. Histori cally, races have been classified according to three major groups --- Caucasoid, Negro and Mongloid. Although there has been no scientific basis, racial categories are continuously defined by social, economic and political forces. In turn, the races influence the social status and life prospects of families and individuals. Ethnicity, on the other hand, refers to â€Å"primarily sociological or anthropological characteristics such as customs, religious practices, and language usage of a group of people with a shared ancestry or origin†.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate Governance - Essay Example This is whereby the firm is able to bargain and receive discounts on the account that it is able to buy more at once. Since the firm has the capability of buying large stocks at a go those involved are able to negotiate easily in terms of buying price. The firm will later sell at a higher price that will result in the making of profits within it. There is combining of complementary resources. For instance, these two firms were complementing each other in terms of resources and in exchange both get money, that will now be over and the acquiring company will not pay any individual. If Frankfurt stock exchange took over the London stock exchange, this simply means that it will not be incurring the expenses for the complementary services it used to receive from the London counterpart. Another advantage is garnering tax advantages. In this context the, only the acquisition firm will pay tax. Conversely, the acquired firm will not pay any tax. Therefore, this means that expenses towards ta xes will reduce and hence more money is left that will be counted as profit for the firm. There is also the advantage of elimination of inefficiency within the firms. Merging may mean acquiring the best employees who would carry out their duties efficiently and this may eliminate ineffectiveness that is associated with losses. This will result into more profits being made by the firm. Merging may also lead to purchasing customers and therefore increasing market share. This will directly translate to increased sales and hence more profits since the completion has been eliminated and activities are being done jointly. Subsequently, merging may enable the firm to obtain any proprietary rights that are associated with goods and services of another company. For instance if the London based... The intention of this study is corporate governance, a broad term that encompasses many aspects as concerns the business. It may be said to be the way in which any business that exists is run and conducted and includes the rules and laws by which the partners of the firms must abide which are not a choice but an obligation. Any firm constitutes stakeholders who may be the management, directors and shareholders. Within them, a relationship is simply corporate governance. It also may mean the structuring of the objectives and goals of the firm and how to achieve them. All these are aimed at creating business merger or simply a takeover. A merger occurs one firm presupposes all the liabilities and all the assets of another company. This is usually aimed at a financial gain to the acquisition firm. Usually the acquiring firm retains its name while the acquired firm is eliminated and thus no longer exists as a firm or an entity. There exist many advantages of making a merger in the busine ss world. These advantages are all directed at making financial gains. This has been prompted by the high competition that exists in the market. Therefore, firms seek to have a bigger market shares that will definitely translate to higher profits and hence financial gains. In as much as the merging process looks and in that matter seems profitable, it has gotten disadvantages that represent the negative part of it. Therefore, such issues though few, they may never be ignored. Among them is that there may be overestimation associated with the valuation progression.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Negative advertisement when it works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Negative advertisement when it works - Essay Example Propaganda, in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people's minds with approved information, but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view. What sets propaganda apart from other forms of advocacy is the willingness of the propagandist to change people's understanding through deception and confusion rather than persuasion and understanding. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one sided or untrue, but this may not be true for the regular members who help to disseminate the propaganda. Importantly propaganda is a powerful weapon in war; it is used to dehumanize and create hatred toward a supposed enemy, either internal or external, by creating a false image in the mind. This can be done by using derogatory or racist terms, avoiding some words or by making allegations of enemy atrocities. Most propaganda wars require the home population to feel the enemy has inflicted an injustice, which may be fictitious. The home population must also decide that the cause of their nation is just. Politicians take the advantage of such policy through political advertisement to grab power. EVIDENCES ON HOW PROPAGANDA WORKS AROUND THE GLOBE According to Naom Chomsky, the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy. Privatization being one of such corporate tactics, propaganda politics began to flourish amongst the democratic nations. In the early 2000s, the United States government developed and freely... This "Negative advertisement when it works" essay describes different cases of the negative ad and its effect. According to Naom Chomsky, the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy. Privatization being one of such corporate tactics, propaganda politics began to flourish amongst the democratic nations. In the early 2000s, the United States government developed and freely distributed a video game known as America's Army with an intention to encourage players to become interested in joining the U.S. Army. Research proved that 30% of young people who had a positive view of the military said that they had developed that view by playing the game. Politically Soviet propaganda meant dissemination of revolutionary ideas, teachings of Marxism, and theoretical and practical knowledge of Marxis t economics, while agitation meant forming favorable public opinion and stirring up political unrest. The Nazis believed in propaganda as a vital tool in achieving their goals. Adolph Hitler, Germany's Fuehrer, was impressed by the power of Allied propaganda during World War I and believed that it had been a primary cause of the collapse of morale and revolts in the German home front and Navy in 1918. Broadcasters and journalists required prior approval before their works were disseminated. The Nazis produced a number of films and books to spread their beliefs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

First interstate fire Essay Example for Free

First interstate fire Essay The first interstate fire was a fire that took Los Angeles by surprise. It was in the late evening at May 4, 1988 when it all started until it was extinguished early next morning. (LAFIRE. COM) It was a blaze on the 62-storey building at the first interstate Bank building in 707-west wilshire boulevard in Los Angles. This was a very historical fire since it was the worst fire on a high-rise building ever seen in Los Angeles and even the whole of America but was miraculously put out. The reason why the fire was said to be the worst was first the location of the building it was a high rise building located right in the middle of the city making it hard to control it and also hard for firefighters to evacuate civilians in the area since there were a lot of buildings around it and that meant more and more civilians to be evacuated from the vicinity this need a lot of resources. (LAFIRE. COM) Second was that the building was just huge it was a 62 storey building built in the year 1974 its height to the roof was two hundred and sixty two meters and was a square building tapering two meters as it rose. Its four faces were covered with dark glass and mullions this was certainly an uphill task and not a walk in the park for the firefighters. (Ryszard M. 600) Thirdly it had spread over four floors and damaging a fifth floor resulting to huge property loss it was estimated at over 200 million dollars at that time making it one of the most expensive fires ever in history and the most damaging fire in the city of Los Angeles. Fourthly it was a fire that almost would have become a towering inferno† as the fire fighters would say and it needed a lot of experience since there was only one way to handle it and it was manual. The Fire The fire is said to have started in the late evening of March 4 1988. It is also said that it all started in an open plan office on the 12th floor towards the southeast ground. It is also said it originated in a modular office with a lot of furniture numerous personal computers and areas or rather â€Å"terminals† used by security trading workers. Though not certain investigators said the cause was an electrical fault but how it got ignited is a big mystery till this very day. (LAFIRE. COM) The fire spread throughout the entire space in the 12th floor destroying it completely leaving only the passenger elevator lobby, which had automatic closing fire doors. The fire then spread through the floors above the 12th floor, mainly by use of the outer walls of the structure through the broken windows the flames also spread behind the spandrel panels that were at the end of the floor blocks. The windows on the successive floors experienced heavy exposure from the flames making the fire extend to the 16th floor from the 12th floor. The rescue workers estimated the flames were lapping about 30 feet upwards on the faces at the buildings, thus the curtain walls, windows, spandrels and mullions were damaged if not completely destroyed. The building lacked the so called â€Å"eyebrows† on the exterior walls to prevent the fire from lapping vertically making the firefighters worried that the fire would spread to even more floors. (Ryszard M. 600) The minor routes in which the fire extended were poke through penetrations for communications and electricity, HVAC shafts and also heat conduction through floor slabs. As a matter of fact there was a minor fire at the 27th floor started by fire products escaping through HVAC shaft from the 12th floor but it died out due to lack of enough oxygen. (LAFIRE. COM) This fire spread at a rate of about 45 minutes per floor and it burned intensely for about 90 minutes at a time this meant there were always two floors burning seriously at any given time of the fire. Initial Stages of the Fire The fires initial stages were realized at around 10:22pm in the evening when the buildings two pumps were turned of by the contractor who was making the sprinkler system, a few minutes later they heard shattering of glass and saw a light smoke at the ceiling at the 5th floor they sounded the alarms manually but it was later turned off by security personnel in the ground floor. Minutes later a smoke detector in the floor of origin sounded but was reset again and minutes later other alarms sounded but security personnel shut them off, this continued until the fire then became huge, that was about 15 minutes later. This delay is said to have caused the spreading of the fire on the 12th and 13th floor. The calls about the fire were actually made by people outside the building. (Arthur E. 543) The fire departments start of operations The fire department got three calls at around 10. 37 pm from people who were said outside the first interstate bank building and they reported seeing a fire on the upper floors. The department released a category â€Å"B† assignment group which included task forces 9, and 10, squad 4, Battalion 1 and Engine 3 all of them totaling about 30 fire fighters and rescue personnel. Meanwhile the first reporting of the fire from inside the interstate building was called in at about 10:41 just when the first fire companies were arriving at the scene of the incident. Upon arriving at the scene the first Battalion chief called immediately for five task forces, five engine companies and another five battalion chiefs totaling about 200 rescue workers and firefighters within the first five minutes, two firefighting helicopters from the fire department were also sent in to help. (Arthur E. 543) They set up a â€Å"high rise incident command system† a system in which companies were given a plan on who to attack the fire, assemble the logistics and help in other support functions. The fire fighters were not to use the elevators thus they climbed using the stairs to the area affected by the fire. The first companies to access the fire floor found that smoke was entering all four stairways through gaps around the exit doors. They had to connect their hand lines to the stair pipe risers of the building and the launched their first attack at around 11:10. Since the fire was so large they had to attack from all four stairways but still the fire crews had much difficulty advancing through the doors in to the floor as heat and smoke pushed in to the stair shaft as soon as they opened the doors and it rose rapidly to the upper floors of the interstate building. (LAFIRE. COM) The first six companies that arrived at the scene of the fire did this attack. This attack was slowed down at first due to the low pressure of water in the first minutes; this was until the buildings fire pumps were started. They also supplied water with three fire department pumps through exterior hose connections. On the 10th floor they put up a staging area and also started lobby control at the ground floor. The base of operation was about a block south of the building and it was established by the first battalion chief at the scene, it was the place where the incident commander operated from all through the incident. The operations chief operated in the â€Å"staging area† located in the 10th floor close enough to have direct contact with the officers on each floor he would also be directing the interior suppression efforts. (Cliff B. 75) The command positions were led at first by captains and Battalion chiefs but were later were later given to those in higher ranks but the remained only now working under other officers in the same locations they had headed. The deputy chief of Los Angeles City fire department Chief Donald F Anthony was the incident commander once he arrived. A chief Engineer and General Manager were also present in order to help in the strategic planning for the incident. Even with this it was clear from the outside and also from the inside that the fire was spreading upward and fast; thus the need to expand operations as â€Å"the companies successfully launched attacks from all four stair ways on to the four floors engulfed by the fire and had to fight their way into the floors with hand lines. (LAFIRE. COM) The Conditions in the stair shafts worsened since more doors were opened and heat and smoke filled went up the shafts at the same time water was pouring down. Their tactic was to push the fire from the center to the perimeters of each floor. The operations chief had to communicate with command officer’s assigned floors giving them direction with tactics and also sending assignments of new companies or recycled ones to specific targets of operation. Many companies undertook three to four different assignments at a time since conditions were changing during the incident therefore getting very short breaks even for the changing of air cylinders. They used mostly runners to communicate with officers in the upper floors since radio waves affected the building steel frame. The landline phones were dead due to the fire and even the emergency phone system in the building was not useful. But the staging area and command past communicated through a window they broke and a battalion chief stood there with a radio to provide line-of-sight. (LAFIRE. COM) The strategy was to stop upward progress by being aggressive on the 14th and 15th floors while putting up hose lines in order to wait for the fire to reach the 16th floor. These strategies needed extreme efforts by the hand line crews on the heavily involved stories. They used around 20 hand lines in the attack and it was an effort of around 32 companies working on the five floors. (Cliff B. 75) Logistical Considerations. The logistics were staggering . The 10th floor was where personnel and equipment were located. Crews only came down to the staging area to change their air cylinders while waiting and getting a short rest before reassignment to another floor. They attacked with full air cylinders and came down only when they ran out of air. They operated for about 20 minutes a cycle, which was the same amount at time it took to rest and refill air cylinders. (LAFIRE. COM) Since they did not use elevators each piece of equipment was carried manually up the stairways including the over 600 air cylinders used. The crews entering the building carried hose nozzles and many other tools themselves to the tenth floor. (Cliff B. 75) An operation called the stairwell support consisting of nine companies moved equipment from the street level via an underground tunnel to the lobby from a parking lot across the street and then up again to the staging area for over two hours. The crews working in the lower floors including the 10th worked in harsh conditions since smoke filled them and they had to break windows for ventilation. Water poured down through the stairs and the ceilings and electric power even in the emergency lights in the stairs were lost. Not even flashlights helped since their batteries died a testament on how long the operation took. (Arthur E. 543) Search and Rescue missions The building had around 50 people working on the floors above the 12th floor, where the fire started, most of whom were cleaning and maintenance workers. The rest were sprinkle fitters and a couple tenants who were working late. They only became aware when smoke entered their area of work. Five of the civilians went to the rooftop floors and were rescued by fire department choppers. Most used the elevator and stairways successfully but there was one group that got trapped in the 12th floor and had to crawl to the exit stairway meeting up with the firefighters coming up. (Arthur E. 543) All civilians left apart from three people, two on the 37th floor and one on the 50th floor they were located by the windows using helicopters but were only rescued shortly after the fire was put off at around 2:19 am. of the two in the 37th floor one had fainted therefore had to be carried down using the stairs to ground level. (Arthur E. 543) Damage and property loss incurred The floors below had severe water damage due to the water flowing down while those above were distorted badly by the heat and smoke since during the incident there was no efforts preserve of property because firefighters only wanted to stop progress of the fire. (LAFIRE. COM) The building remained closed for many months for inspection and clean up using up a large force of clean up contractors. Property loss in overall was estimated to about 200 million dollars not counting the many months of business interruption. Structural damage was very low on the main structural members as a matter of fact only minor damage to a secondary beam and a few floor pans was noted. (Ryszard M. 600) Valuable Lessons †¢ First lessons learned were the need for automatic sprinklers in controlling or preventing fires in such kind of high-rise buildings. There was a law enacted in Los Angeles asking that all such buildings should have a sprinkler system in all their floors with installed smoke detectors. †¢ The second was the need for firefighters to maintain high physical fitness like in that case fire fighters had to carry everything up the stairs and every thing was completely manual even sending of messages. †¢ Need for efficient communication systems (LAFIRE. COM) †¢ Personnel in buildings should be trained at the appropriate actions when alarm is sounded. The actions of the personnel of the building were wanting and one of them died while attempting to find out was sounded the alarms. †¢ Need for use of fire resisting construction in this case it was good and thus prevented any major damage to the structural integrity of the building. (Columbia University. 1234) †¢ There is also need for protected elevators for firefighters use what if the firefighters had to combat a fire in the 40th storey it would have been very hard to carry equipments. Columbia University. 1234) †¢ Fire protection systems also need to be checked and tested regularly in order to ensure they work properly and will not waste us in times of need. Conclusion Every body has a role to play from the builder to the tenant to ensure that such disasters do not occur and if they do that they are easily dealt with stressing a need for good planning. Work cited Arthur E. Cote: Organizing for Fire And Rescue Services: Jones and Bartlett Publishers (2003) P260-278 Cliff Barnett: Fire Safety in Tall Buildings: McGraw-Hill Inc. , New York, 1992. P73-82 Columbia University: Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Avery Library, (1975) Ryszard M. Kowalczyk, I. D. : Bennett’s Structural Systems for Tall Buildings: McGraw Hill Inc. , New York, 1995 LAFIRE. COM: First Interstate Bank Fire: Los Angeles Fire Department Historical Archive, May 4, 1988: Accessed on 26th April 2008 from http://www. lafire. com/famous_fires/880504_1stInterstateFire/050488_InterstateFire. htm

Sunday, October 13, 2019

plato :: essays research papers

Plato's Symposium provides us with many different views and theories about love. This drunken discussion of Eros presents ideas which have not lost their relevance in the millennia since. Many things have changed and there have been a lot of different views on almost every subject known to man, but the thoughts voiced in the Symposium still hold truth today. However being what it was, and that is many different peoples thoughts on the subjectof Eros, there is a wide variety of theories to choose from. Which of these speculations strikes a chord of truth in one's soul? Diotima speaks through Socrates (who is speaking through Plato) when she gives her version of where love came from. She says that Love is the child of Resource and Poverty, conceived on the day that Aphrodite was born. Poverty had come to the feast to beg and found Resource drunk and passed out. Poverty saw an opportunity to gain more resources, so she slept with him and became pregnant with Love. Love is a follower of Aphrodite because He was conceived at the party following her birth, and because "He is naturally a lover of beauty and Aphrodite is beautiful"(Gill, 203c) Because of who His mother is Love is always poor and homeless. He is quite tough from sleeping on the ground or in doorways and from wearing no shoes. Because of who His mother is, He is always in need, but because of who His father is He is constantly scheming to get good and beautiful things. He's clever, and skilled in hunting, magic and acquiring knowledge. Neither immortal nor mortal, Love can spring to life in a day and then die before that day is over. He can come back to life again like his father Resource, but cannot hold onto the resources he has. Being between mortality and immortality, Diotima calls Love "a great spirit"(Gill,202e). These great spirits are sort of go-betweens for the Gods and Humanity. They convey prayers and sacrifices from us to the Gods, and commands and gifts from the Gods to us. Because of them the universe is all interconnected and whole. The Gods never communicate directly to Humans, but always use these spirits to convey their commands. These are what priests, prophets and oracles speak to. Love is also between wisdom and ignorance, since neither the gods nor the ignorant love wisdom. The Gods already have it so the do not desire it, therefore love has no part in it. The ignorant don't love wisdom or want it, because they are satisfied with themselves. Since they do not think they need wisdom, they do not desire or love it. plato :: essays research papers Plato's Symposium provides us with many different views and theories about love. This drunken discussion of Eros presents ideas which have not lost their relevance in the millennia since. Many things have changed and there have been a lot of different views on almost every subject known to man, but the thoughts voiced in the Symposium still hold truth today. However being what it was, and that is many different peoples thoughts on the subjectof Eros, there is a wide variety of theories to choose from. Which of these speculations strikes a chord of truth in one's soul? Diotima speaks through Socrates (who is speaking through Plato) when she gives her version of where love came from. She says that Love is the child of Resource and Poverty, conceived on the day that Aphrodite was born. Poverty had come to the feast to beg and found Resource drunk and passed out. Poverty saw an opportunity to gain more resources, so she slept with him and became pregnant with Love. Love is a follower of Aphrodite because He was conceived at the party following her birth, and because "He is naturally a lover of beauty and Aphrodite is beautiful"(Gill, 203c) Because of who His mother is Love is always poor and homeless. He is quite tough from sleeping on the ground or in doorways and from wearing no shoes. Because of who His mother is, He is always in need, but because of who His father is He is constantly scheming to get good and beautiful things. He's clever, and skilled in hunting, magic and acquiring knowledge. Neither immortal nor mortal, Love can spring to life in a day and then die before that day is over. He can come back to life again like his father Resource, but cannot hold onto the resources he has. Being between mortality and immortality, Diotima calls Love "a great spirit"(Gill,202e). These great spirits are sort of go-betweens for the Gods and Humanity. They convey prayers and sacrifices from us to the Gods, and commands and gifts from the Gods to us. Because of them the universe is all interconnected and whole. The Gods never communicate directly to Humans, but always use these spirits to convey their commands. These are what priests, prophets and oracles speak to. Love is also between wisdom and ignorance, since neither the gods nor the ignorant love wisdom. The Gods already have it so the do not desire it, therefore love has no part in it. The ignorant don't love wisdom or want it, because they are satisfied with themselves. Since they do not think they need wisdom, they do not desire or love it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

In the Details :: Personal Narrative Writing Papers

In the Details I started taking a fiction class at just the right moment in my life. It was a genre I had never been good at, and had even been afraid of since that day J.C. laughed at my pathetic attempt to write a short story about a lesbian returning home to the South, only to be welcomed by a non-accepting mother, who all but condones it when a man rapes her to teach her how a woman is supposed to be. Of course, it was an awful story, but it was agony to write. The dialogue was so forced, as I tried to spell it the way I heard it in my head, tried to capture inflections and drawls and pauses. In the end, it read more like a cartoon, and no one could empathize with my character when she got drunk, got in his truck, and didn’t scream for help or fight him off. The plot was thin, none of the characters had any motivation, and the devices I tried to use were not working. I learned then that fiction had these elements for a reason. In order to craft a good story, I had to learn to use the tools. In essays and poetry, all these things had never seemed important to me. They were usually crafted because of an idea, and I could execute that idea without worrying about literary devices or symbolism, or other large concepts. My sole needs for my writing had always been voice, subtlety, and sometimes, alliteration. Fiction was much harder than I had previously thought. It wouldn’t be until the spring of 2001 that I would try my hand at it again. I decided that spring to take an introductory fiction class at a community college. By that time, I was actually making a living as a writer (albeit a technical writer), and I was comfortable in every other aspect of my writing, but I was still afraid of fiction. It must have come at just the right time for me. Within a week after I joined the class, I was downsized at the company I had worked at for two years. My whole department was just not needed anymore, although we were the only ones writing the training for new employees. So, with nothing but time in my day between Internet searches for new jobs and calls to recruiters, I began to write some stories.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Laws of Migration Essay

Mr. E.G. Ravenstein established a theory of human migration in the 1880s that still forms the basis for modern migration theory. He called it the â€Å"Laws of Migration†, which the books have divided them into three general categories: characteristics of migrants, patterns of migration, and volume of migration. I believe people move for a variety of reasons, but his philosophies were basic on census results over time which makes it very creditable to me and these tendencies of migration still show currently. I will discuss, in the next few paragraphs, my reasoning of why I agree with Mr. Ravenstein â€Å"laws of migration†, and how those laws still apply today. The first general category is characteristic of migrants, which is described by the book as â€Å"selective†. I understand this category as the people that want to or the people that are forces to leave their homeland because of a major circumstance, not everyone wants to leave their homes. Religious or political reasons appear to be at the top of the list. For example, Cuba has a communist government that forces people to agree with the government. Where people do not agree with the government’s views or decisions they are not allowed to express their opinion. People from Cuba are force to leave the island if the government finds that they are looking for options to leave or trying to take action against the government. On the other hand, there are people in Cuba that are happy with the government. They do not have any decider to leave the island. They also like the rules in place for the community and believed that everyone should follow them. Another general category that the book describes is patters of immigration. I see this category as the pull factor describes on page 17 as â€Å"to those attractive forces emanating from the migrants’ goal that draws migrants†. I see the pull factor as the idea of people to emerge from poverty or the inabili ty to use acquired professional skills. This concept still happens today, my own experience is a clear example of it. In the years 1999 to 2006 Argentina reached an economic crisis, the patters at the time was to come to the United States because the better future was here. My mother and I came to the United States back in 2000 from Argentina. One of the reasons that my mother decided to come to the United State was for a better future for me. I attended Miami Beach Senior High school, where I found a group of kids that were from Argentina. Their parents had decided to come to the U.S. for their better future. There were many people in Argentina with professional degrees but not many with good jobs. My mother and those kids parents were persuade by the idea that having a degree in the United States was more valued that a degree from my country. The last general category is volume of migration which I can relate to the availability of affordable transportation and other advantages related to globalization and advances in technology, many recent immigrants are not forced to sever ties with the families they leave behind. People consider the advantages and disadvantages of staying versus moving, as well as factors such as distance, travel costs, travel time, modes of transportation, terrain, and cultural barriers before moving. For example, the volume of migrants that comes from Mexico every day to make money or to achieve a better standard of leaving. They still provide for their families in Mexico but they believed working in the U.S. is far more effective, easier, and produce way more money in a short period of time. In conclusion, I agree with Mr. Ravenstein â€Å"laws of migration† because I can relate his philosophy to today’s world and still see the same reasoning. Cuba, Argentina and Mexico are a clear example of his migration point of view.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Response Paper on “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

The short tale of Harrison Bergeron is something that isn't very new to me. Way back in high school, we were tasked to read this in one of our Literary Circles sessions. I took a quick look at it and particularly enjoyed how short the story was. Today, having finally read a good selection of interesting stories, I decided to take a deeper and much more complete look at it. I can definitely say that despite it being rather short, Harrison Bergeron was a story just oozing in meaning and symbolisms. Harrison Bergeron makes us think twice on just how far we want to go to push for equality. In 2081, total equality is achieved but at a cost – sacrificing freedom and individual skill and talent. The three main characters also symbolizes different types of people who have different views toward the law set by the Handicapper General. George Bergeron to me was pretty much your average Joe. Despite him being blessed with substantial intelligence, he simply decides to get by and observe all the rules properly, being content with the system and afraid of consequences. Hazel Bergeron on the other hand, was really just an oblivious girl in a place where oblivious and unaware was the new â€Å"average†. She had nothing special to offer, therefore was never even handicapped. Her obliviousness and outright stupidity simply shadows over her kindness and good intentions. And finally, Harrison Bergeron, who was the perfect specimen. He literally had it all, which made the government fear him and did everything in it's power to contain him. Harrison wanted to showcase his abilities to the world and this ultimately led to his death. With this, we are shown that superiority amongst others will not be tolerated. To end, I feel like this story faces us with a dilemma, whether to simply get by, and live with rules and laws that are clearly unfair and wrong or be like Harrison, who is condemned for being the gifted and talent-laden man that he truly was. I'd also like to point out how this story takes on a completely different angle as a slight jab to faulty governments. Vonnegut may just be trying to show us how the government tries to control and ultimately, censor our very thoughts and ideas, hence limiting our potential to grow and become more aware and active with regards to such issues.

Hurricane Katrina

September 2nd and 3rd, 2005 saw a spate of articles and comments in the press all over the world about the effects and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. A study of selected newspaper articles and comments from different parts of the world reveal interesting tilts and biases. The Guardian, a liberal newspaper from London, uses the opportunity to attack US policies. Both domestic and international policies are criticized in the article which however attempts to absolve President Bush of any direct responsibility for the consequences of the disaster.The author’s bias in respect of the Iraq war comes through when the war is blamed for the ineffective handling of the disaster. The expression â€Å"anarchic south† used in association with Louisiana almost seems to compare Louisiana with Baghdad after its fall. (What Was Revealed). However, it takes a philosophical stand and talks about the past, reflecting the conservative moorings of the newspaper.Yet, the use of the word â₠¬Å"uninsured† in connection with poverty looks rather incongruous, seeming to imply that being insured would be an excuse for the poverty that was exposed. (Loss of an American Dream). However stresses that more than the loss of property, American leaders and the administration have lost credibility and people have lost faith in them. With Australia often accused of racial discrimination and prejudice, the newspaper finds it an opportune moment to point out that divisive racial prejudices and poverty are issues in America too, despite its wealth. It almost seems that the article was just waiting for an occasion to hit back in the same way.The Israeli militaristic obsessions come through very transparently in the article by Sever Plocker in the â€Å"Yediot Aharonot.† (Plocker, Sever). Almost all events have political implications in Israel and that is what probably prompts Plocker to stress upon the political ramifications of Hurricane Katrina. He even goes so far as to predict a stinging defeat for the Republicans in the upcoming Congressional elections.The â€Å"Toronto Star† is very specific about apportioning blame and does not seem to spare anyone. Officials, President Bush, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Guard, and the Army Corps of Engineers have all been blamed for making the disaster so devastating. (Grim Lesson). The bias against anything official comes through, even as the article appears to ignore every other aspect of the disaster.The Edmonton Journal however appears to take a very balanced view, describing the factual details of the disaster and points at the sociological imbalances that prevailed in the city of Louisiana. (A Society in Collapse. Edmonton). Such a view probably reflects the reputation of Edmonton as the cultural capital of Canada.The New Zealand Herald calls for sympathy, but stresses on the economic consequences of the disaster for the rest of the world, and reminds the reader that natu re is all-powerful. New Zealand has a very strong agricultural economy and is very sensitive to crucial role of nature in all such activities, which probably prompts the article to link the disaster with a poor appreciation of the forces of nature. Pravda, published from Moscow, is stridently critical of President Bush and is clearly biased against him and his administration.The language used verges on the hysterical, and reminds the reader about the verbal diatribes that were so much a part of the Cold War. The criticism is more likely to be meant at all things American and not specifically the present administration or President. Thus the views and comments reflect tilt and balances of one sort or another and very few unbiased ones. America’s domestic and foreign policies are blamed, and the administration and institutions charged with coping with such disasters are accused of ineffectiveness in most comments.Work CitedA Brutal Reminder. London. The Guardian. (2005, Septemb er 3).Aaronovitch, David. (2005, September 3). What Was Revealed. The Times. London.Loss of an American Dream. (2005, September 3). The Age. Melbourne.Plocker, Sever. (2005, September 3). Political Ramifications: TEL AVIV. Yediot Aharonot.Grim Lesson. Toronto. Toronto Star. (2005, September 3).Edmonton Journal. A Society in Collapse. Edmonton. (2005, September 3).The New Zealand Herald. A Gesture of Sympathy. Auckland. (2005, September 3).Hinchey, Bancroft. Timothy. (2005, September 2). View Points. Hurricane Katrina. Comment and analysis from London, Melbourne, Tel Aviv, Toronto, Edmonton, Auckland and Moscow. Retrieved March 13, 2007, from http://www.worldpress.org/Americas/2142.cfm

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Is Journalism in Declineor Being Reinvented in a Better Form in the Essay

Is Journalism in Declineor Being Reinvented in a Better Form in the Digital Age - Essay Example Journalists normally are doing the first which is surveillance. They report whatever is happening around in the world. Online news sites are available in abundance and the users can get all kinds of information at any time. However, there are some who are â€Å"afraid† that they might come across scams and spam and, therefore, the huge amount of information available to us today proves to be very daunting. The second of Laswell’s functions comes into play here which is the correlation function since it is about responding to the environment. Digital reporters make sure to include depth and interpretation in their work in order that the normal regular news consumer may be able to make out whatever is going on. After the journalists find out the information they need to select the best one to investigate and then report. This is the last of Laswell’s function transmitting the social inheritance. Through this they are able to carry out communication regarding the va lues of the society and this can be done through multimedia and interactive presentations. Journalism in a Digital Age Better journalism can be achieved through better regulations and such is the case for digital age as well. These regulations are required in order for the elimination of all kinds of negative aspects. The basis of journalism is news production and distribution. The role of journalism in the society is that of an actor as well as an arena. It is the role of journalists to report the events taking place around the world and also bring out the wrongs going around. It is by means of journalism that it is made sure that the country is free. And now that the society has digitized to such a great extent the information is flowing around very rapidly, and here a journalist’s role is extremely important and critical (Artwick 6). Digital journalism basically means journalism that is originated from the internet. Individuals are getting the power of technological innova tion and are being able to spread the news and information to the masses. Through digital journalism it is possible to create a new media landscape that would be easily accessible to everyone. There is a wide difference between internet and broadcasting but TV and radio channels have been able to set up online activities immediately. Due to the fact that these medium have traditional content, they have led the multimedia services within the same framework like online newspapers. Besides, since they are able to use the novel technology and media without having to make heavy investments on new equipment, the broadcasters are becoming an interest as study objects. Advantages of Digital Journalism Journalism is definitely becoming better as there is more and more advancement in technology. Journalism is always recognized with newspapers and manual work where the journalists have to actually go to the scene and write and report news. With the digital age in progress it is difficult for s ome to imagine that journalism would be able to continue. However, such is definitely not the case. Digitalizing journalism is an option and a very good one at that. Like Marshall McLuhan said: â€Å"technology is turning the world into a global village†. One example is that of newspaper editors. They can actually utilize technology to its best and for their work. For example they can check out the camera viewfinder via the internet and thus advise their

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Market Segmentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Segmentation - Essay Example Apart from brushes, kid’s toothpaste is also available. Along with children, Oral-B offers various brushes and dental floss to adults. Mouth rinses are also available. Psychographic: The products of Oral-B can also be divided on the basis of psychographic market segment. People can choose Oral-B toothbrushes according to their individual taste, as variety of brushes with variable prices are in offer. They can also choose brushes according to their color fascination. If someone likes mouthwash or wants complete cleaning care, it is also available in Oral-B, in the form of floss and mouthwash. Apart from manual toothbrushes, power products are also available that comes with rotating oscillation that is effective inn reducing gingivitis and oral plaque. But, they are a bit expensive than manual brushes. Benefit: Oral-B uses benefit segmentation as it offers a variety of toothbrushes. One type of Oral-B toothbrush has nylon bristles that offer extra cleaning power, while some other brushes offer soft bristles for gentle care. Toothbrushes designed for children are easy to hold and they also have cartoon characters in the handles. It also offers angled handle toothbrush to easily clean the areas that is hard to clean. Oral-B also offers interdental and floss for complete oral care, as it is effective in removing plaque. Floss is also effective in fighting gum diseases. Power toothbrushes with rotating and oscillating bristles make cleaning really easy. Toothpastes and mouth rinses are also available in Oral-B. Demographic: Beauty products of Urban Care cater to women with variant tastes and lifestyle. Though the products are meant only for women, there are products for daily use as well as for special occasions. Psychographic: Products of Urban Decay can be categorized on the basis of interests and occupation. Women can use the cosmetics from this company while going to office and can also use other cosmetics while

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Marketing Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Objectives - Essay Example The new product is code named as M2030. Marketing Objectives The target market of the company is all the households and offices of that are looking for lighter and efficient products. The product is aimed for UK market. M2030 will be a good choice for families considering the product’s ease and efficiency. â€Å"UK Households spent an average of ?474 per week in 2010.† (Office of National Statistics, 2011) As per the statistics department, fuel and power form one of the major components of the expense items. It is also seen that consumers have spent more disposable income for consumer durables in 2010. This trend is expected to continue in 2011. The product will be more focused on London, Northern Ireland, South East, East and South West. (Office of National Statistics, 2011) The marketing objectives of the product M2030 are as follows: 1. To become the best in class product in the product category 2. To make the product available in all the leading electronics stores 3 . To offer the product to the customers at a highly competitive price 4. To create an impact in the minds of the customers regarding the benefits of the product. This report will further look into the detailed aspects of marketing of M2030 in UK. A detailed analysis of the competition and environment is also included in the report. Competitive Situation Analysis G’s products can be classified based on the three way consumer classification system of convenience, shopping and specialty goods. The products of G Electronics are kettles, toasters, juicers, mixers, ovens, dish washers, and micro waves. All these products can be classified as Shopping Goods. (Kurtz, 2011) The following five force model analysis will analyze the competitive situation of Company G. Supplier Power: The Company maintains excellent relationships with the existing suppliers. But for producing M2030, the company requires new materials which are different from those supplied by the existing suppliers. The s upplier power is comparatively less for G as the numbers of suppliers are high. Threat of Substitutes: The threat of substitutes is comparatively higher for Company G. Products that are not as efficient as M2030 are available at a lesser price in the market. But then this happens only if the customers prefer cost benefit over efficiency. Switching cost is comparatively low for this product category. Buyer Power: Buyer power is very high in this case. The customers are flooded with numerous products by various brands. All products differs each other in terms of the design, price, efficiency, etc. Buyer concentration is high for microwave oven market. Also, the chances for customers to have inclination towards a particular brand are very high. Threat of new Entrants: Threat of new entrants is low in this industry though there are big companies who still foray into unrelated businesses. Brand identity and research costs are two main factors that hinder companies from entering this indu stry. There is definitely a threat from big companies who has the capital and knowhow to enter the segment. Degree of Rivalry: Some of the strongest players in the industry are Philips, IFB, Panasonic, Samsung, Siemens, LG, Sharp, Whirlpool, Daewoo, etc. There are just the leading brands. Apart from this there are other brands that has significant cumulative market share. Therefore, the degree of rivalry is high in this industry. (Mindtools, 2011) SWOT Analysis

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Effectiveness in the global organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Effectiveness in the global organisation - Essay Example This study evaluates fundamental functions and concepts of management and the challenges that global organisations face with respect to management function. Leadership as the essence of management has defined or determined the fate of many organisations, at local and global levels. However, leadership at global levels is greatly influenced by factors such as behaviour, perception, attitudes, and knowledge impacted by sociocultural aspects. An awareness of challenges to leadership through ground-breaking principles proposed by Hofstede and Trompenaars is necessary to understand how leadership can contribute to the success of global organisations. Management has been defined in many ways by various people. Earlier, management was defined as ‘getting things done through other people’; currently, management is referred to as ‘working with and through other people to accomplish the objectives of both the organisation and its members’ (Montana & Charnov, 2000; p.2). Evolution of this concept is traced back to Frederick Taylor’s scientific management, also known as Taylorism; later refined by Henry Ford, known as Fordism. However, the foundation for management principles is said to have been laid by Henry Fayol in the form of five elements or functions of management: planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Fayol also developed 14 management principles from these functions (see appendix 2.1). These management practices were framed to direct workers to follow specific steps that will help in achieving the larger organisational goal, driven through managers (Lucey, 2004). The process of trans-migration of humans from one place to another for food, eventually trade and business solidified attributed to the huge monetary gains; this process further intensified with increasing needs, development of means of transportation, technology, communication; further reinforced by increasing population, demand for

Friday, October 4, 2019

Aircraft Engine Anti-Icing systems Research Paper - 1

Aircraft Engine Anti-Icing systems - Research Paper Example Heavy accumulation of ice may also cause changes in the aircraft’s aerodynamic center thereby misbalancing the plane. Ice can also damage the engine by increasing friction of the fan and clogging its inlets. The most vulnerable of all aircraft components is the fan blade that can get damaged if the frozen ice is not removed. Ice build-up when low thrust is being acted upon the aircraft causes damage to the tips of the blade when the aircraft enters a high thrust region. An attempt to reduce the drag forces acting on the aircraft, by the pilot, may inevitably result in the accumulation of more ice. Due to these reasons, the accumulation of ice on the aircrafts is generally regarded as a threat for the aircraft passengers. The effect of contamination or ice build-up can be life threatening. In many cases, a malfunctioning ice protection system can also cause damage to engine components and fan blades. Ice can build up on the intake ring and get deposited deeper into the engine. This is particularly dangerous as this can increase frictional energy within the energy leading to a reduced amount of thrust and a possible disintegration or downfall. Sometimes, blockage of inlets or formation of ice on compressor blade suspends flow of air into the compressor due to which it may get restrained. Similarly vulnerable are engine probes that are located in the external surface of aircrafts. Errors within flight instruments and detection equipments can result due to ice build-up on probes. Airframe icings are equally menacing for the pilot. Some features and characteristics may make aircraft components more prone to ice accretion. In general, sharp components such as blades, leading edges, fins, antennae, propellers, and aerials, may gather more ice because of their narrowly exposed surface area. In the contrary, flatter components and those that are blunt are less likely to accumulate much ice during the course of the journey (Civil Aviation Authority,

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Advancements in Medical Technology Essay Example for Free

Advancements in Medical Technology Essay Introductions: Have you or have you had someone, that was near and dear to your family and hearts, pass away and think to yourself â€Å"If medical technology was just a little more advance, they might have been able to still be here with me today? † Or was their life, cut from your life to soon, because of the need for more advancements in the medical pharmaceutical side of things such as medications and treatments. Maybe, even be able to give them the therapeutic device that would have been able to give them a longer life expectancy? One thing to think about is that over the past thirty years advancements in the Biological, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic device fields of Medical Technology has greatly improved the life quality and expectancy of many human beings. (What kind of introduction did you write for your expository essay? Asked a question What other types of introductions might be appropriate for this kind of essay? Providing a startling statistic. Include interesting facts about the subject. What makes your introduction type more effective than another introduction type for your particular essay? By asking a question to the reader, the way that I have asked a question makes it personal to the reader and makes them think and want to read more about what I have written. ) Conclusions: My husband and I believe that if Stem Cell research was around years ago when he was first diagnosed by Type I Diabetes, that he would not have to worry so much about his blood sugars going high or low all the time. Now with the advancements in therapeutic devices, we are able to go to a specialized diabetic doctor (known as a Endocrinologist) and be able to help him get on a Medtronic Insulin Pump, that will help him with getting his sugars stable and give him the right amount of insulin that his body needs to function properly like you and I do. On the bright side due to the fact that there are advancements in medical technology with the therapeutic side of things, there is a small variety of insulin pumps on the market today that he is able to choose from that will fit to his personal needs and wants. With medical personnel continuing to improve upon advancements in the Biological, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic device fields of Medical Technology, there will be more people out there, such as I that will not have to lose their loved ones before their time. (What kind of conclusion did you write for your expository essay? I think that by finishing up with another question it will hopefully convince the reader that everything I have provided will have them agreeing with my essay. Also something that would be more effective would be to provide an ironic twist, a surprising observation. What other types of conclusions might be appropriate for this kind of essay? Restating the thesis or summarizing the main points of my essay What makes your conclusion type more effective than another conclusion type for your particular essay? By providing an ironic twist, with a surprising observation from my own personal life might help the reader understand more of why I was so passionate about writing about those things in my essay. )

Decline of Security Values in Immigration Department

Decline of Security Values in Immigration Department An investigation of the decline of security values in the Malawi Immigration Department 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND According to Taylor (2013), security value is defined as a psychological catch expression that is perceived to be the last argument to determine action or reaction by the majority. Security values are qualities and standards that have a certain weight in the choice of actions that prescribes the proper conduct in general as well as certain situations Burges (2002). It is the fundamental principle on which the social, political and physical existence of the state is based Simonie L. (2002). Security institutions are greatly aware of the need for security values in public environment in this century hence the emergence of a consensus that good governance and sound public administration underpin sustainable development of the state. Therefore, security values are extensively learned and trained in detail, in different security specialized institutions in order to provide the services and help keep the nation safe and prosperous Steven (2011). They bear a true reliance and allegiance of the nation’s constitution, the fulfilment of obligations and directs officers to avoid shortcuts that would undermine the desired integrity of service output of the nation. It is through securing such values that a country can attain vibrant development and economic wellbeing. These security values are expressed in officers through treating the public as they should be treated, with dignity and respect, serving or conducting the country’s service without thought of recognition or gains and also delivering public services in the required constituted manner (Ross 2011). The Malawi Immigration Department is one of the few security specialised institutions in Malawi, established to carrying out, acting, and living up to such values in order to achieve a better conducive secured environment of the country’s security objectives. It is a specialised security institution in Malawi, with security values speculated in the Republic’s constitution, Immigration Acts and also Citizenship Act and even the operating principles, vision and mission, to help the officers perform accordingly Immigration Strategic Plan(2011). In the department, security values encompasses reliability, obligation, respect, selfless service, reputation, integrity and allegiance in serving the state and the general public from internal as well as external threats Immigration Department Service Charter (2008). These values acts as a compass that guides the department and officers in each and everything they do and represent what the government believe and care about. Securit y values as stipulated clearly show that they cannot be considered in isolation from each other as they often overlap Chapunga (2012). Security values are expected to integrate into both the institution and officer’s decisions, actions policies, processes, systems and also in the way different stakeholders of different kind and the common public are dealt with. The paper seconds the fact that sustainability of security values is the only cornerstone of good governance and democracy which can boost the wellbeing of the country. This research therefore, intends to study the security values of the Malawi immigration department officers and analyse whether they are sustained as to the required standard expectation of both the general public and the nation. The Malawi Immigration Department exists under the Ministry of Home affairs and Internal Security to carry on some of the country’s security duties while recognising and adhering to security values. The institution has a fundamental role to play in serving the country while observing that security values are not violated in any way. The Malawi Immigration roles are guided by the laws of Malawi as well as the Republic of Malawi constitution under Section 47 and also governed by two acts which are; the Citizenship Act (CAP 15:01) and the Immigration Act (CAP 15:03). The department has a huge security responsibility to control of people entering and leaving the country, process and issue travel documents to eligible people in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) rules, process and issue Citizenships, Residence, Work Permits and Visas in accordance with the existing policies, monitor, track and apprehend the immigrants, and repatriate illegal immigr ants in order to promote and safeguard the security of the state. However, the department demands much integrity and allegiance of officers to safeguard the nation’s purpose of existence and security objectives with the trained security values they contain. Hence expected to have good reputation in conducting their duties in order to build trust and confidence in the people it serves as well as to the sustainability of the whole nation security values. In other word, the more the department makes choices made on integrity, the more value will affect the general public as well as the nation. Therefore, the department quality and standard of their duties rely on its trained officers to demonstrate such values in their choice of action that should prescribe the proper conduct of the values Ng’oma (2011). Recently, there has been an outcry from the general public concerning the ill deliverance of immigration different duties. This has attracted the researcher to question the integrity of the department. Many people including different organisations, such as media, the civil society organizations, the Ant-Corruption Bureau and other Non-governmental organization, have written much about the ill delivering of different services of the department. According to the Nation Newspaper April (2013) reported the cases where three immigration officers processed and issued Malawian passports to two Burundians and one Nigerian to enable them travel to United kingdom as well as Italy. As it is well known that Malawi’s passport does not require visa to enter in most developed countries hence countries whose reputation is negatively affected with crime would want to use to easy their migration to such states. Therefore most officers are bribed to allow such malpractice take place. The recent data has shown the rapid increase of the increase reports concerning the illegal immigrants, immigration officers mistreating the general public as not expected Mwakasungula (2012). The Immigration strategic plan (2008) stipulated the period within which the new passport system was going to deliver and stressed the processing of the normal passport to take place within 21 days. This has not been the case since from the day of its implementation, only a few rich individuals have been able to acquire the service in due promised period. The department has failed to fulfil its obligations and also their morals as security institution has been lost Chibwana (November Sunday Daily Times, 2014). Therefore the latter clearly portrays the decline in security values of the officers and tarnishing the department’s integrity as well as of the national security management. This advance attracts the researcher to investigate the contributing factor to such negative development since as sec urity officers who are well trained with different value expertise and skills to help achieve the nation’s security intended objectives no longer seem to be trusted by the people whom they supposed to serve. The whole performance of the officers is measured according to the operating value principles which are put in place within the department. 1.1 STATEMENT PROBLEM In the immigration department there is a decline of security values shown through the officers’ conduct in the way they carry out their services. As expected by the country, it is the duty of the officers to carry out their responsibilities with much integrity in order to safeguard the security values of the department in line with their trained code of conduct manners to meet the national security intended objectives Immigration Manual Book (1999). While there are many security institutions with rumours of corruptions and other security moral decay in security sector, immigration department seems to be ranking with more negative incidents and cases Ant-Corruption Assessment (2010). Corruption, late delivery of services, negligence, failure to control the influx of illegal immigrants, issuance of the Malawi passport to ineligible people are characterising and labelling the department. This is defeating the intended trained security values of the department as outlined in the d epartment of immigration rules of conduct and laws. Where the operating security values have been well articulated such as accountability, transparency, high degree of integrity and honesty, corrupt free, responsiveness and resourcefulness, respect and lastly public relations. This is a challenge not only to the department of immigration as an institution but also, affects the integrity of the government as well as the whole national security management in Malawi (Immigration Service Charter, 2008). Therefore, this is problem worthy investigating the influencing factors. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Baldwin (2002) defines security values and norms as morals which are embedded and trained within security specialised organisations. Baldwin researched that security values can be changed any time to suit the globalisation norms where there is international policing and cross-border policing to accommodate the reform values. Because of such changes, many factors and variables mutually influence one another to fit in the new security cultures. Baldwin’s research findings was connected with the changing nature of tradition security beliefs to the new security beliefs due to the nature of the world. The researcher acknowledges Baldwin’s work which is based on appreciating the change in security values and norms as the result of suiting into the new security cultures. However, this research intends to investigate the causes of the decline of security values of the officers in the Malawi Immigration Department. Isaiah Emboli, (2004) wrote about â€Å"The elites Controlling Security Institutions in Malawi. Security values in Malawi have been at stake since most of the work is guided by the ruling elites. Security machinery of government, such as Police, Immigration are primarily to secure elites own interests and continuation of their rule rather than the protection of the state and the people. Emboli’s findings indicates that the concept of national security is inapplicable if the security values are not recognised or respected. This has been anchored by Undule (2011) who critically researched about the causes of long queues in most public service offices especially immigration offices, road traffic authority and the police. He found out that only those who are able to pay extra amount of money are quickly attended than those who cannot afford to pay extra amount. While security values is the matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless s ervice, integrity and personal courage in everything a security officer do. Most researcher’s findings show that there is great value deficiency in most trained officers. However, this is the gap for this research to investigate and establish the extent of the decline of security values in the Malawi Immigration Department. Takawira Musavengana (2010) has done a research on Security Sector Governance. The research is about the national and regional security value architectures that facilitate democratic governance of the security sector in Zimbabwe. Musavengana’s research findings was on how important it is to losing some of security values in order to support democratic ideals such as accountability, transparency and rule of law. He articulated much on the need for the creation of an environment in the security sector, where human security should be paramount and the need to sifter some of the old security traditional values which seem abusive to the general public. The researcher acknowledges Musavengana’s findings especially on how he recommends the need of applying democratic ideals in the security specialised institutions. However, it is the duty of this research to assess the effects of the decline of security values and how can this implicate national security management in the coun try within the democratic environment.