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Lab report for synthesis of polystyrene Essay Example

Lab report for combination of polystyrene Paper Every monomer is fused into the polymer is known as a recurrent unit or monomer buildup. ...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Research Study On Alzheimer s Disease - 1339 Words

Dementia is another term for memory loss and there are a couple types of dementia. This research paper is about Alzheimer s Disease (AD) which is a specific type of dementia that is closely related to aging. AD accounts for 50 to 80 percent of dementia cases. AD usually affects people 65 and older, but it can start in rare cases around 40 to 50. 5.3 million people in America have been diagnosed with AD, and almost two thirds of the population that has been diagnosed are women (Alzheimer s Association, 2015). Learning about AD can help people understand what really goes on when someone is suffering from it. It is very important to know the history, deblockedion, diagnosis, causes, treatment, and the people who are affected by AD. History†¦show more content†¦Deter had forgotten her own name (Maurer, 1997). In 1910, four years after Dr. Alzheimer’s discovery, a psychiatrist that worked with Dr. Alzheimer published the name of the disease (Alzheimer’s Disease) in the eighth edition of his book Psychiatrie (as cited in Handbook of Gerontology, 2007). Since then, there have been many more breakthroughs in the research of AD. In the 1960 s, scientist found a relationship between cognitive decline and the number of plaques in the brain. In the 1970’s AD was documented as the most common type of dementia (Bright Focus Foundation, 2015). In 1984 another ground breaking discovery was made. In 1984 the Beta-Amyloid was discovered by George Glenner and Cai ne Wong (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). In the 1990 s a few more discoveries were made, such as complex nerve cells, and genetics coincident, and AD susceptibility. However, the last decade has been crucial to AD discoveries and experiments. As technology is always improving, scientists are able to push their limits and experiment more. In 2004, Pittsburgh Compound B (PIB) was created (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). PIB is imaging software that allows early detection of AD. With all of these discoveries, researchers have learned how the Central Nervous System (CNS) is affected by AD. AD begins in the Entorhinal Cortex of the brain (Nia.nih.gov) The Entorhinal

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Theories Regarding Parenting Styles, Attachments, Bonds...

Theories abound in regards to parenting styles, attachments, bonds and the relationships that ensue. However, regardless of the theory, one subscribes to it has been noted that a child requires, warmth, security, and confidence to meet the demands of the world. Psychologists posit that how a child and their caregiver form an attachment has long-term ramifications on all the child’s relationships. The attachment formed with the primary caregiver provides the child with the expectations they will carry with them as they form new and lasting relationships. Meeting the needs of an infant/child can help to form secure attachments. Inconsistent responses will produce a child who has insecure attachments. This is seen when there is a delay in†¦show more content†¦This sense of security leads to secure attachment. Parenting classes, as well as providing information postpartum can educate parents and caregivers as to the importance of meeting the needs of the child. Moreover, the caregiver should be able to focus on their attachment style, thus allowing for personal growth and introspection. Permitting the caregiver to develop and create positive experiences that the child can equate with responsiveness. Warm, responsive and trusting care helps to build a child s resilience as well as teaches them how to cope with distress, promoting their feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and wellbeing. Differences in Attachment. An avoidant or dismissive caregiver or one who cannot use emotional vocabulary effectively will cause avoidant/dismissive children. These children are not expressive and may internalize emotions, thus becoming defensive. Children unbeknownst to them have mechanisms that help them cope with unfamiliar feelings. While they may have a sense of safety, they also may experience â€Å"emotional overload† (Goldberg, 2000) to which they may respond by looking away or occupying themselves with something else. They can at times just choose to shut down, thus displaying no emotion at all, they are disorganized, not knowing how to act. However, skin tests conducted reveal high levels of cortisol in children with avoidant attachment. Thus physiological arousal is evident, however, it is suppressed.Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages91 4 Emotions and Moods 97 What Are Emotions and Moods? 98 The Basic Emotions 100 †¢ The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect 100 †¢ The Function of Emotions 102 †¢ Sources of Emotions and Moods 103 Emotional Labor 108 Affective Events Theory 110 Emotional Intelligence 112 The Case for EI 113 †¢ The Case Against EI 114 †¢ Emotion Regulation 115 OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 115 Selection 116 †¢ Decision Making 116 †¢ Creativity 116 †¢ Motivation 117 †¢ Leadership 117 †¢ Negotiation 117

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Communication in Amazon-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignement

Question: Discuss about the about the Amzon and its Present Situation. Answer: Introduction The report here discusses about Amazon and its present situation. Amazon is the largest online retailer in United States. The company also features on the elite list of the Fortune magazine where it ranked second in the year 2014 and fourth in the year 2015 [1]However, 2015 was as a controversial year for the company as there was controversy regarding the company in the New York Times on how it pushes its white-collar workers for achieving the expanding ambitions of the company. According to reports published in the New York Times, Amazon focused on the promotion of unconventional office culture where employees were encouraged to be critical not only about each other ideas in the meetings but also to send secret feedback about their colleagues to the respective bosses[2]. Moreover, the employees also went through a bout of physical stress in Amazon due to long work hours. They also faced rebuke and reprimanded when they were unable to respond to emails arriving at midnight arrival. T hus, indirectly the company adopted a policy where employees forced to work faster and harder until they collapsed, quitted and faced termination. Therefore, most of the employees did not stay for long. The company also did not hire female employees; the few that the company had underwent severe criticism despite contributing big time in the success of the company. Amidst everything, the turnover of Amazon was so high that it even surpassed Walmart in terms of valuation of the market. The year 1999 saw the company burdened with spiraling losses and debts. In such a scenario, though the company wanted to undertake cost cutting but it could not do so[3]. However, with controlled spending and top line growth the company is able to double its stock prices and regain back its position. Areas Where Company Lacks Organizational Behavior Motivation Amazon did not provide any positive motivation to the employees. Employees are only encouraged to ruthlessly criticize about each other and send secret feedbacks to the immediate bosses that sometimes lead to a hostile work environment. The company also led to physical stress of the employees[4]. The employees forced to work overtime without receiving any benefit. Moreover, employees reprimanded for not responding to midnight emails. The company also forced employees to engage in lengthy conference calls especially on holidays. Thus, working in Amazon meant working harder and faster until one collapses. The company though satisfied its customers around the world but made the life within the organization almost impenetrable. The company also believes in the policy of no mercy that implies that either employees fit into the structure of the company or they do not. Thus, in Amazon there was not only lack of benefits but also disregard towards work life balance[5]. Moreover, employees ma de to work for which they never received any praises. There also existed unfair systems of ranking and purposeful Darwinism within the company. This was a company that lacked team or group work. Recommendations Amazon can undertake effective motivation of its employees through better communication, setting examples, empowering them, offering ideal opportunities for advancement and by providing benefits in the form of incentives. There are however various motivational theories that the company adopts for the purpose of motivation. This includes needs theory, motivation hygiene theory, mclellands theory and expectancy theory. However, the descriptions of the theories are as follows: Needs Theory The Needs Theory also referred as the Three Needs Theory represents a motivational model that helps in explaining how needs for power, achievement and affiliation can affect peoples actions from the managerial context[6] David McClelland who is a psychologist proposes this theory. Motivation-Hygiene Theory The Motivation Hygiene Theory focus on the fact that there are certain factors in work place that leads to job satisfaction and existence of certain separate set of factors that causes dissatisfaction[7]. The theory also known as the Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory McClelland'sHuman MotivationTheory According to human motivationtheory of McClellands, every person possesses three primary driving motivators[8]. These motivators however include power, affiliation, and needs for achievement. The motivators develop through culture and life experience. Expectancy Theory This theory assumes that behavior is the resultant of the conscious choices amongst alternatives that maximizes the pleasure and minimizes the pain[9]. According to this theory, the performance of an employee depends on individual factors like skills, knowledge, personality, ability and experience. Communication The communication in Amazon takes place by means of an anytime feedback tool which is an internal platform used by the employees for criticizing or placing complain against their colleagues[10]. This internal directory also allows the company to submit peer evaluations to the management team. Thus, the anytime feedback tool also has a role to play in addition to being a gossip tool. This medium also helps the employees to understand their stand in the company. The company also follows a Two Pizza Rule that leads to decentralization and lack in communication. According to the Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, meetings should take place when there is an absolute need for it. Moreover, the CEO also stresses on the fact that the number of members in a meeting should be such that two pizzas would be enough in feeding the entire group[11]. Invitation of too much people in a meeting not only invites mass view but also results in decrease of productivity. Recommendations However, Amazon can ensure effective communication by adopting the following policies. Effective communication in a workplace not only helps in reduction of disputes between employees but also the management. By Adopting Transparency: Amazon can ensure effective communication by informing the employees about the goals of the company and the general goals. Moreover, the company can ensure effective communication between the management and employees through an open door policy that helps employees in resolving the issues through direct communication with the higher authorities. Thus, by being transparent Amazon will not only be able to build employee loyalty but also enhance the retention rates. By Organizing Workshops: The workforce of Amazon believed to have employees from varied cultural backgrounds, ethnicity and gender. The company can therefore undertake training workshops that uses role-playing activities for teaching the employees better means of communicating with each other. Thus, Amazon must initiate sensitivity training for employees on regular basis for teaching the employees on the ways of dealing with different mannerisms and viewpoints of their co-workers. Effective Screening of Candidates: Workplace communication improved through effective screening of the communication skills of the job candidates during the process of interview. Existing employees with imperfect writing or computer skills should have sufficient training. To improve the communication process in the company Amazon must do away with its policies for supporting employees to indulge in ruthless communication and undertake policies of terminating those employees who indulge in criticizing co-workers and customers and spread gossip. The company can also take initiative in training the employees. Building Relationships: Communication between the employees takes place only when there is a bond of trust amongst the employees. Amazon rather than taking measures of poking the employees against each other should encourage them to bond where they should talk to each other. To enables this, the company should take the initiative of hosting various recreational events. This will not only enable the employees to take part in the events but also provide a means where their efforts will also make a difference. Such appreciation will enable them communicate with the each other but also the management. Leadership As far as leadership is concerned, Amazon deliberately sets a standard that is unreasonably higher. Although the high expectations are devised with the intentions of creating talent of top tier but they become unreachable and creates unnecessary pressure on the employees thereby leading to distress[12]. Instances of employees crying at their desk have been a common sight. However, there are some who defends such higher expectations of the company saying that employees who are unable to handle the demands are not the right fit for the job. According to them, Amazon is a company that strives to reach the moon by making it big through various innovative and ground breaking things. Thus, in Amazon the pressure to deliver is beyond every metric of the company. The Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos leadership style is overly forthright which implies frank, direct and prepared to go to any extent for executing the things that he believes is true[13]. Thus, his management style is largely an influence of his abrasive personality that includes dictating others the ways to behave and possess a confidence that is overreaching in terms of metrics power. The company also engages in insensitive management. Amazon employees who overcame personal hardships like miscarriages, cancer and other personal crisis said that they underwent unfair judgment since they were forced to perform at the highest of their abilities without even given sufficient time for recovery[14]. For instance, a female employee who just experienced a miscarriage was told that there would be monitoring of her performance to ensure that her focus stayed on the job which finally forced her to leave the company. Recommendations However for effective leadership the company needs to undertake the following steps which include: Possessing the Right Attitude: An effective leader must possess the right set of mind for serving others. Expressing Love for People: For ensuring the prevalence of effective leadership leaders must be in love with the organizational relationship By Being a Good Listener: Communication has a key role in the achievement of organizational and interpersonal goals. Compassionately Addressing the Truth: Truthfulness in a leadership is important and it must be addressed in a compassionate manner. By Being Proactive: Individuals who wear the hats of leaders must be proactive to deal any situation and successfully move forward. By Being Committed: It is necessary for the leader to have utmost commitment towards the group. Taking Risk: As leaders it is necessary to take risk by thinking out of the box and being innovative. Follow Policies and Procedures: Effective leaders adhere to procedures and policies while taking any step. Organizational Structure The organizational structure of Amazon makes it difficult for the employees to climb the corporate ladder. The CEO of the company believes that managers should enhance the performance bar with each promotion and hire and only employees with out of the box talent must progress within the company[15]. This made the CEO codify his beliefs into a custom known as OLR for reviewing the leadership and the organization. The OLR represents biannual meetings of the senior leader from each department for debating about the strengths and weakness of their subordinates for either approval of promotions or dismissal. According, to the employees of Amazon OLR are meetings where livelihoods and careers are lost and won within an instant. Thus, every promotion cycle at Amazon goes through an OLR meeting. Therefore, these results in limited number of promotions happenings at Amazon. This approach to promotion considered brutal for avoiding any unnecessary or political advancement[16]. In addition, the decision for the promotion is also a result of political dynamics and human emotions. Scaling the ranks at Amazon also becomes difficult due to its remarkably flat corporate structure. Recommendations A proper organizational structure is important for effective decision and adapting to the changes of the business. Thus, a proper organization structure can be achieved by making things transparent, using the management as support and ensure putting necessary checks in required places. Here, by making things transparent means there should be proper information flow within the organizations. For effective understanding of responsibilities of the managers the company must try to distribute and develop hierarchy flow charts of the department. Moreover, the decision making process of the company also needs to be well understood. Thus, the company must develop effective communication channels amongst its employees as it is one of the powerful tools for streamlining the process and reducing confusion. Management should act as a support to the employees in all the decisions of the company without trying to dictate them. It is the job of the management to pool out the necessary resources for assisting a particular task to be accomplished. Necessary checks in the required places ensure avoiding major problems that might have acted as a hindrance. Thus, a continuous system of feedback and checks ensures the company that its corporate structure is working perfectly with proper information flow. Action Plan Recommendations Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Effective Employee Motivation Effective Communication Effective Leadership Proper Organizational structure Figure: Action Plan of the Recommendations Source: By Author Conclusion The report ends by throwing a light on the action plan that helps in implementing the recommendations provided. The report puts forward recommendations against the issues faced by the company. In the report, the recommendations made against issues like motivation, communication, leadership and organizational structure. The report also gives an overview of the company and its present situation. References 5 Key Takeaways from Jeff Bezos' Leadership Style | Pagely. (2017).Pagely. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://pagely.com/blog/2017/09/5-lessons-from-jeff-bezos-leadership-style/ Ali, N. (2013). Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Applicability on Teachers.Journal of Managerial Sciences,7(1). Amazon 6th Principle: Insist on the Highest Standards. (2017).Jess Gil Hernndez. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://jesusgilhernandez.com/2014/11/21/amazon-6th-principle-insist-on-the-highest-standards/ Amazon Has A Brutal System For Employees Trying To Get Promoted. (2017).Business Insider. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.businessinsider.in/Amazon-Has-A-Brutal-System-For-Employees-Trying-To-Get-Promoted/articleshow/24263370.cms Amazon.in.(2017). Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.amazon.in/Motivating-People-Doesnt-Work-What/dp/1626561826 Haughney, D. (2017).Expecting the Unexpected From Jeff Bezos.Nytimes.com. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/18/business/expecting-the-unexpected-from-jeff-bezos.html Keyton, J., Caputo, J. M., Ford, E. A., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S. A., Liu, T., ... Wu, C. (2013). Investigating verbal workplace communication behaviors.The Journal of Business Communication (1973),50(2), 152-169. Meyer, P. (2017).Amazon.com Inc.s Organizational Culture Characteristics (An Analysis) - Panmore Institute.Panmore Institute. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://panmore.com/amazon-com-inc-organizational-culture-characteristics-analysis Nolan, H. (2017).quot;I Do Not Know One Person Who Is Happy at Amazonquot;.Gawker. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://gawker.com/i-do-not-know-one-person-who-is-happy-at-amazon-1572478351 Reeve, J. (2012). A self-determination theory perspective on student engagement. InHandbook of research on student engagement(pp. 149-172). Springer US. Renko, M., Kroeck, K. G., Bullough, A. (2012). Expectancy theory and nascent entrepreneurship.Small Business Economics,39(3), 667-684. Schwartz, S. H. (2012). An overview of the Schwartz theory of basic values.Online readings in Psychology and Culture,2(1), 11. Spicer, A. (2017).The tragedy behind Amazons toxic management fad | Andre Spicer.the Guardian. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/17/amazon-management-fad-rank-yank-jeff-bezos Streitfeld, J. (2017).Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace.Nytimes.com. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/technology/inside-amazon-wrestling-big-ideas-in-a-bruising-workplace.html The' 'Two Pizza Rule' Is Jeff Bezos' Secret To Productive Meetings. (2017).Business Insider. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.businessinsider.in/The-Two-Pizza-Rule-Is-Jeff-Bezos-Secret-To-Productive-Meetings/articleshow/24896617.cms Why It's So Difficult to Climb Amazon's Corporate Ladder. (2017).Mashable. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://mashable.com/2013/10/15/amazons-corporate-ladder/#G2sYC4pHLSqq Streitfeld, J. (2017).Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace.Nytimes.com. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/technology/inside-amazon-wrestling-big-ideas-in-a-bruising-workplace.html Meyer, P. (2017).Amazon.com Inc.s Organizational Culture Characteristics (An Analysis) - Panmore Institute.Panmore Institute. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://panmore.com/amazon-com-inc-organizational-culture-characteristics-analysis Haughney, D. (2017).Expecting the Unexpected From Jeff Bezos.Nytimes.com. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/18/business/expecting-the-unexpected-from-jeff-bezos.html Amazon.in.(2017). Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.amazon.in/Motivating-People-Doesnt-Work-What/dp/1626561826 Nolan, H. (2017).quot;I Do Not Know One Person Who Is Happy at Amazonquot;.Gawker. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://gawker.com/i-do-not-know-one-person-who-is-happy-at-amazon-1572478351 Reeve, J. (2012). A self-determination theory perspective on student engagement. InHandbook of research on student engagement(pp. 149-172). Springer US. Ali, N. (2013). Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Applicability on Teachers.Journal of Managerial Sciences,7(1). Schwartz, S. H. (2012). An overview of the Schwartz theory of basic values.Online readings in Psychology and Culture,2(1), 11. Renko, M., Kroeck, K. G., Bullough, A. (2012). Expectancy theory and nascent entrepreneurship.Small Business Economics,39(3), 667-684 Keyton, J., Caputo, J. M., Ford, E. A., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S. A., Liu, T., ... Wu, C. (2013). Investigating verbal workplace communication behaviors.The Journal of Business Communication (1973),50(2), 152-169. The' 'Two Pizza Rule' Is Jeff Bezos' Secret To Productive Meetings. (2017).Business Insider. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.businessinsider.in/The-Two-Pizza-Rule-Is-Jeff-Bezos-Secret-To-Productive-Meetings/articleshow/24896617.cms Amazon 6th Principle: Insist on the Highest Standards. (2017).Jess Gil Hernndez. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://jesusgilhernandez.com/2014/11/21/amazon-6th-principle-insist-on-the-highest-standard 5 Key Takeaways from Jeff Bezos' Leadership Style | Pagely. (2017).Pagely. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://pagely.com/blog/2017/09/5-lessons-from-jeff-bezos-leadership-style/ Spicer, A. (2017).The tragedy behind Amazons toxic management fad | Andre Spicer.the Guardian. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/17/amazon-management-fad-rank-yank-jeff-bezos Why It's So Difficult to Climb Amazon's Corporate Ladder. (2017).Mashable. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://mashable.com/2013/10/15/amazons-corporate-ladder/#G2sYC4pHLSqq Amazon Has A Brutal System For Employees Trying To Get Promoted. (2017).Business Insider. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.businessinsider.in/Amazon-Has-A-Brutal-System-For-Employees-Trying-To-Get-Promoted/articleshow/24263370.cms

Monday, December 2, 2019

Shape Up Essays - Physical Exercise, Bodybuilding,

Shape Up In todays society, health and physical condition are emphasized far more than in the past. Fitness centers are being built across the nation providing a place where we can improve our well being. Thousands of Americans are flocking to these health centers to enhance their physical strength. Often times these people are not making the best of their time. They spend hours in the gym and see modest results. The reason for this is they simply do not have a great plan when entering the weight room. They merely show up and improvise a workout as they go. In order to create an exercise routine that will ensure fitness, there are fundamental steps you must follow. Although not all people are looking for the same results, these basic steps will help anyone wishing to become a healthier person. A good workout begins long before you enter the weight room. There are basic habits that may help improve your health and your workout. The first and most important routine you must get involved in is eating healthy. A diet high in carbohydrates will increase your energy levels and improve your productivity. A second habit you should adhere to is water consumption. You should have at least eight glasses of water per day. This number should increase if you are working out because much of it will be lost in perspiration. Studies show that increased water consumption helps prevent cramps and keep your heart rate at a healthy level. A third habit you should carry out is simply getting enough sleep. In our modern, fast paced society humans often do not get enough sleep. If you do not obtain seven to eight hours of sleep every day your body will not be rested for a workout, and you will not be able to recover fully from previous workouts. Forming these specific routines will ensure you to be ready to workout. Next you prepare for your workout. The first step you should take is seeing a doctor. This could end up saving your life. A doctor may find a heart murmur or another physical deficiency that would prevent a healthy workout. This step is especially important for women who are pregnant or people with physical ailments. A second step you should take is finding proper supplementation. It is important to research workout supplements and find one that is proper for you. Supplements such as Creatine have been known to increase muscle mass by over forty percent. Do not take a supplement if you have not researched it thoroughly. The third step is stretching. Stretch every major muscle in your body you intend to work out for at least thirty seconds. This will prevent major injuries and prevent muscles from tightening. It is important to not over-stretch a muscle because that can cause you to pull a muscle before your workout has begun. Preparing for your workout will ensure a productive workou t. The final facet of the workout transpires in the weight room. The first activity you should partake in is weightlifting. If you plan to increase muscle size and mass you should direct your attention to heavier weights. Lifting heavy weights will significantly increase your size. If your focus is on toning your muscles you should use lighter weights and do more repetitions. It is important to workout bigger muscle groups such as chest, back, and arms. After the major muscle groups are done you can focus on smaller groups such as triceps and biceps. Do not work out the smaller muscles first because if they are tired they will not be functional for lifting the bigger muscles. After weightlifting you can move on to the cardiovascular portion of your workout. This is important in maintaining a healthy heart. This will also help burn fat and tone muscles. You can choose a cardiovascular activity that you want. This could be anything from playing basketball to running a marathon depending o n your specific goals. It is important not to over exert yourself when doing cardiovascular work. This is a leading cause of heart attacks. Working hard in the weight room is essential to a healthy workout. Following these fundamental steps will ensure a healthy workout.