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Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact Of Terrorism On Hotel Security

Impact Of Terrorism On Hotel Security Today, the tourism environment is increasingly becoming more and more complex. Many countries are losing their tourism industry because of it. The research topic is THE IMPACT OF TERRORISM ON HOTEL SECURITY: A CASE STUDY OF BASILAN PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES which will be achieved by doing epistemology positivism research on two areas: Philippines local hotels and random tourists from the world. The research program will focus on how hotel security in the Philippines is being affected by the terrorism and effective methods they apply for rectification. Any types of terrorism are difficult to swallow. The reason may be too simple or theoretical. Most of the terrorism acts are motivated by two things: Social and political injustice: sometimes people chose terrorism because they think the right thing is not happening. So, when the things go wrong, they want to take the responsibility to fix the problem. Violence means justify the end: many people believe that, without violence there are no solution for their problem. So they had to go for the last option because nothing was working. Terrorism is not new; it has been used many times in history. And the reason is hard to define. Mostly terrorism described as a crime and a holy duty so that the people doing terrorism can justify themselves. According to their point of view they are right so many supporters respect them. Most of the terrorist organization now days, does not have a valid reason for what they are doing and they are very secretive nature. However, the terrorism activity is creating many problems over the world. Many countries have their own small group of terrorist. The tourism industry is highly affected by the terrorism attract. As example, the country like Philippines tourism industry is highly affected by terrorism. They are losing them hotel management industry as well. 1.2 Research Question -Hypothesis The research will be done in two part/ sector. The sector is really small so the case study research will be more appropriate for this case. The research will have the peoples view and logic. It will have social reality as objective (Marchington, 2000). The research question is THE IMPACT OF TERRORISM ON HOTEL SECURITY: A CASE STUDY OF BASILAN PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES. This research question will aim at identifying and exploring how terrorism is affecting the tourism and hotel industry (Jankowicz, 2000). The research will seek out the core problems of terrorism attracts towards hotel industry which will be seen necessary to assisting fill out the hotel management (Newell, 2005). The objectives of the study are as follows: To understand the level of situation by conducting a survey. To analyse the terrorism act and the hotel management industry of Philippine (Saunders, 2000). This will be done by analysing purpose of tourism, way to solve the problem etc. To suggest a strategy to rectification to reduce the terrorism within the country. 1.3 Aims and Objectives of Research Process (A Healthy Tourism) The research aims and objectives are to identify the effective method to develop hotel industry of Philippine and reduce the terrorism process (Wain, 2008). This paper will look at various options that are available in this area in order to identify the core problem (Bryman Bell, 2007). There are various traditional approaches that corporations adopt in order to develop hotel management situation in the selected area. These are such as reason for losing the industry, managing effectively, development for short and long term etc. Terrorism has so many meanings. A common view is to avoid the situation (Onions, 1973). 1.4 Justification/ Rationale of Topic Selection Today the business world is full of competition. They have to be very careful about decision making, to be in the field of competition, the Hotel industry must emphasise on the alternative solution and increase the number of tourist and develop the faith. This dissertation demonstrates how and why terrorism demolishes the tourism industry and how the hotel industry of Philippine is getting highly affected (Burack, 1991), why should we find the problem or why its necessary to find solution and what will be the result of it. The justification of this study is to identify the way to find out the problem regarding terrorism affecting tourism in the Philippines. And provide the related solution to improve according to the problem. The research will help them to find the right method (Nadler, 1992).This will highlight current strategies used in developing and reforming. Also the Research will include the solution methods that will be proposed for the Industry. 1.5 Limitations The limitation of this research will be limited number of sample (Cameron, 2009). The research will be done in a small area in the Philippines. So the sample number will not be more than 15 to 20 people. And the research will mostly bring out the common expectation and result of the sample size (Brown, 2006 and Bryman, 2008). The sample results will be almost same for everyone. So the data will not have much diversification. So the conclusion and recommendation will not have uncommon outcome. The time frame for conducting research will be a limitation as it can avoid complete results (Fox-Wolfgramm, 1997). A preferred research contains more participants (Echeverri, 2005). The employee participation will be a limitation as for the interview they also going to give some extra time. And also we have got a controversial research topic on which people does not want to talk much. So it may be the limitation for the research. 1.6 Outline of paper The outline of the paper will include the whole research proposal summery. The first chapter is introduction where the research topic got introduced. The first chapter outlines the purpose and the structure of the study along with the main limitations of the research (Taylor, 1994). The second chapter provides a critical analysis of the existing literature regarding the Terrorist affecting tourism. The third Chapter continues by the main methodological approach concerned in relation to the study alongside its sample procedures and ethical considerations for the success of this research (Coulson Thomas, 2001). And the forth chapter will be the conclusion and summary of the study as well as the Justification of topic, Clarification of research question and how it will be. 1.7 Conclusion The first chapter has points out the purpose of this study. It also introduced the methods we will be using for the research. This chapter introduced the topic and the limitation of the research. That will help to conduct research in scientific method. The next chapters are literature review and methodology, will give a logical look to the research (Likert, 1961). The first chapter organizes the information to help the research to go further. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Here is one definition of a literature review: a literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original scholarship, and does not report new primary scholarship itself. The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority of cases reports are written documents (Buyens, 2001). The types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature review seeks to describe summaries, evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the content of primary reports. (Cooper, 1988). The literature review will introduce the detail of topic and what the research will contain and will answers the questions like, how we can help to reduce the terrorist act in the tourism industry or how to rectify it (Block, 2008). The chapter will introduce effective method applicable for development of the situation. The literature review will be structured o bring out the maximum information to justify the topic (Putnam, 200 0). 2.1.1 Definitions and Introduction to the Topic The impact of terrorism on hotel security: A case study of Basilan Province, Philippine Definition: what do we understand by terrorism activities? Basically terrorism is considered the most important conflict without realising threat against the human (Pierre Gurdjian, 2009). Most of the terrorist organization conducts terrorism without any calculative reason. By finding out the reason of how terrorism affecting tourism industry, it will highlight the hotel security system of the Philippine (Karolina Lena, 2010). The topic of the research is THE IMPACT OF TERRORISM ON HOTEL SECURITY: A CASE STUDY OF BASILAN PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES. The topic will allow us to go through to find out the current situation of hotels and tourism of Philippine to find out the related solutions. 2.2 Strategies for Identification and causes of terrorism and means of rectification Now a days, terrorism is affecting tourism very badly. As example, Balis (Indonesia) tourism rate was highly affected by the terrorist bombing in the year 2002. People are actually affected by the situation. And still people do think second time before going to Bali (Peter Senge, 1990). The survey will have the strategies to find out the peoples expectation, knowledge about terrorism act, how they are affected by the act. And also will find out the how people are reacting towards the situation (Hame Prahaled, 1994). 2.2.1 Find out the Reaction and reflection. The research will conduct a survey to find out the reaction and reflection of the research question. As the sample size is really small the surveys will be done by traditional, behavioural and semi structured interviews (Cook, et al, 2000). A behavioural descriptive interview process is effective when applicants behaviour is significantly analysed during the interview process (Bernardi, 1997). The traditional interview to analyse the applicants abilities, personality and responses (Tanova, 2003). The semi structured interview will gain the in-depth information from the participants (Stokes Bergin, 2006) 2.2.2 Causes of the Terrorism and how it is affecting Tourism of Philippine United States of America defines terrorism as unlawful threat and violence to create fear. The terrorism is done in a very calculative method. There are main three main elements, political, religious and ideological. The end result of it is violence, fear and intimidation. In Philippine the terrorism is against the government. It is based on political issue conducted by Islamic terrorist group. Since January 2000 radical Islamist group and Islamic separatist forces are responsible many terrorism act such 40 major bombing against local people. It happened mostly in southern part of the country and Basilan is one of the major cities which is affected. 2.2.3 Rectification of the situation The tourism industry worldwide is has been affected by the threat terrorism attacks in modern era. Especially it affected Hotels, which serve a core function as supplier of tourist accommodation (Purcell et al, 2003). It is very important to enhance security awareness and skill that the employees needed. Technology is very important element. The situations will under control if the communication cooperation and collaboration is strong between the hotels. If the bonding is strong within the industry and with external stakeholders than government will also be strong to bring success against the terrorism (Jackson and Schuler, 1995). Hotel Industry of Basilan Terrorist incident can be very harmful and it leaves an impact on the hotel sector. Hotels have history for being targeted many times for terrorism act. The terrorist attracts those hotels which usually has more foreign traveller for business and official purpose. (Aragon-Sanchez et al, 2003). Security is very important for the hotel. They should have essential technological support for security. As example, they must have CCTVs. The hotel with large compound must have more cameras in many corners. The Philippine police force gives the premium support for the hotels. So far security system had been revised and tightened after 11 September 2001 (Pfeffer, 2005). Additional cameras are included. Instead of room keys the sensor cards were introduced in most of the big hotels. Employees went through special; training (Wright et al, 2004). Reason for targeting hotels because they offer high degree of access and it is usually 24 hours a day (Junior, Middle Senior Managers) Luxurious hotels have more public activities, spaces and entrance and exits. And foreigners also gathered there. In big hotels, there are many prestigious conferences and meetings are conducted (Holton III Naquin, 2005). In many cases many political body, government officials gathered together in the hotels. According to the architectural design most of the hotels have grand specious lobby for which security is unlikely to have guided rule (Stead, 2004). However many techniques such as protective barriers, surveillance, identification of employees and alarm system are essentially reactive. We should also remember that, terrorists know the smarter way to use the technologies. They have using the technologies in a very sophisticated way (Kessels, 1993). 2.2.5 Hotel Industry Research So far, research in the hotel industry security has limited to date. A complete research always explained that hotel have such an environment for which terrorism is always invited. (Anderson, 2007). It is now not possible for the hotels which already exist. But for the new constructions, it is very important to redesign and maintain security strategies. Policies and practice need to change. It is very important to check the background of the employees specially employees who has certain level of power and responsibility (Fairbairns, 1991). When we are talking about hotel protection and tourism it clearly presents dilemmas for management and circumstances in Philippines are explored after the presentation of some information about the country because it pertinent to the discussion (Jackson, 1989). Gap in the Literature Above information are gathered through time. Like history, terrorism is still a mystery and hard to understand. In many cases the hotel may need extra security for any special event (Boyatzis, 2008). No one can take guaranty of what is going to happen. So, no one is ready to take the responsibility. And to many, it is a loss project now. It is also a risky business (Pilbeam Corbridge, 2002). In that case the research might take a different shape. (Boyatzis, 2008). People are not interested to talk about the situations. Local people are not interested and they think they have no future in tourism industry. So, even though the research and solution it is very hard to motivate the local people. All depends the level of terrorism and patient of the hotel owners (Pilbeam Corbridge, 2002). 2.4 Conclusion The literature review will select the way to find out the way of the situation and the right method (Brooks Hulme, 2007). According to the survey result the research will try to develop a picture of the current status of Basilan, Philippines. It will also specify the components, methodology and obligations of the tourist and terrorism (Shields, 2007). Other than that Literature review will also explain the terrorism act happening all over the world. It will highlight some key examples as well. The literature review will also mentioned about the gaps of the research. Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Introduction Methodology reminds us the word method. And we believe probably they are similar. But methodology has a particular meaning an ology of course is the study of a whole academic field (Gill, 1997). Methodology is the study of methods and it raises all sorts of philosophical questions about what it is possible for researchers to know and how valid their claims to knowledge might be. The research will be intensively based on the collection of primary data and analysis of both primary and secondary data (Locke, 1993). The major reliance of the research design is collection of primary data via interviews and then preference will be given on case studies and organizational documents. The type of questions in the interview is consisted of two parts (Yin, 1994). The part one tries to explore the reason of terrorism; however the Part two actually examines how it is affecting tourism industry and peoples opinion about Philippine. The purpose of this chapter is to find out the right method to conduct the survey. The purpose of the survey, the way we will collect the data, the philosophy of the survey etc (Remenyi, 1998). 3.2 Research Philosophy Management research is both about knowledge and action (McNiff, 1996). The relationship between knowledge and action is not straight forward. While there are several issues that one needs to consider at the outset of a qualitative journey we believe that familiarity with the basic Philosophical aspects underpinning qualitative research is a prerequisite (Eriksson Kovalainen, 2008). Ontology and epistemology interested in examine the same phenomenon, but their believe will lead them to set up their studies differently because of their views of evidence, analysis and purpose of research meaning (Potter, 1996). Epistemology bring out the questions like what do we regard as knowledge or evidence of things in the social world; what is our theory of knowledge; what are the principles and rules by which we decide whether and how social phenomena can be known and how knowledge can be demonstrated? (Brymen Bell, 2003). There are different epistemologies exists such as positivism, interpretive and constructionist. 3.2.1 Research Paradigm Realism and positivism are often claimed to be the same but should be treated as separate approaches (Johnson and Duberly, 2000). Positivism believes only phenomena or knowledge confirmed by peoples senses. Thios theory needs to generate testable hypothesis which will allow the explanation of law (Brymen Bell, 2003). This theory gain knowledge through gathering facts. This research will follow the positivism as the realist researchers into management believe, with positivist, that the knowledge we gain through research can accurate mirror reality itself. Research paradigm will be analysing and evaluating the abstract belief in the way data should be collected, analysed and used in a research (Healy, et al., 2000 and Kupers, 2008). Two major research philosophies, positivism and phenomenological, for qualitative data collection will be essentially analysed in respect to both speculative beliefs in how data should be gathered using different approaches (Fisher, 2010). This section will use the research paradigm which is usually generated from the survey report (Bryman Bell, 2007; Robson, 2002). Research paradigm should generally be seen through theoretical frameworks that direct the investigator to achieving his objective (Sobh Perry, 2006). A critical analysis on the three components of the research paradigm which include; ontology, epistemology and methodology will be evaluated with contributions from different academic source (Healy Perry, 2000; Jankowicz, 2000). Ultimately, the next section will significantly analyse the research design in relation to the case study which will be under studied. 3.3 Research Design Most of the realist research is based upon a comparison of qualitative case studies, which are analysed to whether there are any connections between variables. Qualitative case study provides a broader and deeper understanding of processes may give an opportunity to work out the ways in which one variable is casually linked to others (Flick, 2002). The disadvantage of the case based approach is that there is often too small a sample of cases to claim to claim that the links of cause and effect identified apply generally (Kvale, 1996). The researcher has developed the questionnaire in order to collect qualitative data through interview. The language of the questionnaire is English, since the majority of the guests are international (Richards Morse, 2007). There will be three parts to the questionnaire, which will consist of list questions, rating questions and open questions. For the qualitative data which supplements the quantitative data, it will be analyzed using content analysis (Lofland, 1976). 3.4 Sample of Participants / Procedure Various academic sources will contribute to evaluating and focusing on words in the collection and analysis of data as regards technique to collecting empirical data, the techniques include interviews, questionnaires and observational methods (Alam, 2005; Bryman Bell, 2007). However, the data collection methods to be used will be semi-structured interviews, direct observations, telephone and Skype which are sequentially addressed in due course as the research progress (Brannan, 2008). Interviewing 1 Director, Hotel of Basilan 1. Interviewing 1 Director, Hotel of Basilan 2 This section will evaluate the amount of participants to be studied in the organisation following sampling size method which is the most common procedure in qualitative research (Saunders, et al, 2007). The director and the security in charge of the hotel will provide most of the problems and development situation (Buyens Devos, 2001; Dalen, et al, 2001). The compilation of survey result and interview will conduct the research (Cameron Price, 2007). 3.4.1 Data Collection tool The data collection tool is the designed questionnaire, which is consisted of twenty questions. The collection will be through questions of open ended and close ended type (Bell, 1987). These types of questions will try to analyze the employees assessment and expectations regarding the learning development factors of the organization. The research will be based on positivism principles with deductive approach (Coolical, 1990). Since no evident research has been recorded yet therefore major reliance will be over the primary data collection. 3.4.2 Data Analysis This study expects to provide recommendations on improving Hotel Industry. The study will aim to ascertain the level of tourist satisfaction in terms of tourism industry (Bulmer, 1977); to enable the industry of Philippine to gain a sustainable competitive development through applying different method (Feeney, 1990). 3.5 Ethical Considerations Ethical consideration will analyse the import of considering the research ethics as a vital process that should be considered extensively to influencing the access of the researcher into the organisation as a whole to obtain the data under investigation (Saunders, et al, 2007). 3.6 Validity and Reliability The reliability of this research shows its validity because there are many research has done in this topic and they were successfully applied in the industries (Gill, 1991). The reliability and validity will be the true measurement and testing of the quality of the research work as well as an instrument for conducting qualitative data collection methods (Alam, 2005; Bryman, 2008). This research will highlight two dimensions Reliability and validity to get the process and information (Preece, 1994) 3.7 Conclusion The methodology chapter included the research philosophy, paradigm and the design of the research. This chapter tried to show the justification of how this research should choose the right paradigm, philosophy (Kane, 1985). At the end the reliability and validity of carrying out this study will be to take into consideration the data to be analysed and implemented (Lawler, 1985). Chapter 4 Conclusion 4.1 Summary of approach of research The research will analyse about the various approaches to evaluate successfully (Silverman, 1985). This will give a idea about Philippine Hotel and Tourism Industry. This research will help to evaluate with the other terrorism affected country (Gummesson, 1991). 4.2 Justification of topic The justification of the research will be find out the serious understanding of terrorist attack in the Philippines and will try to provide the right advice and method. From this research the Hotel Industry will get to know about their insight gaps and level of effort they need to give to improve (Mabey Ramirez, 2004). 4.3 Clarification of research question and how it will be addressed Before we go through the survey, it is very important to know about Terrorism and tourism and how it is affecting hotel industries. It is also important to realise how it is capturing importance day by day (Tjepkema, 2001). After conducting the interviews, research philosophy and deductive, positivism research, we will understand the organizational current situation and way to implement the recommendations (Holbeche, 2007)

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