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Lab report for combination of polystyrene Paper Every monomer is fused into the polymer is known as a recurrent unit or monomer buildup. ...

Friday, November 8, 2019

Emotional And Mental Condition Of Problematic Child Social Work Essay Essays

Emotional And Mental Condition Of Problematic Child Social Work Essay Essays Emotional And Mental Condition Of Problematic Child Social Work Essay Essay Emotional And Mental Condition Of Problematic Child Social Work Essay Essay This assignment concerns the analysis of the emotional and mental status of Kirsty, a 14 twelvemonth old miss who lives with her female parent and her stepfather. Kirsty, a much loved kid lost her darling male parent when she was 8 and now lives with her female parent and stepfather. The miss has of late been exposing marks of emotional and mental perturbation and unnatural delinquent behavior. Her wellness every bit good as her attending and public presentation at school have begun to endure. Children like Kirsty, who have experienced terrible emotional loss and who furthermore have to see disturbed domestic conditions, are far more likely to develop emotional, mental and physical upsets and complaints than other kids. Social work theory and pattern considers the relief of the status of physically and mentally ailing people to be one of its primary aims ( Petr, 2003, p 41-47 ) . Social work policy in the UK is furthermore ferociously committed to the betterment of public assistance and to the physical, emotional and societal development of all kids in the state, particularly those enduring from different types of disadvantage ( Humphreys, 2000, p 30-34 ) . Recent old ages have besides witnessed steady betterment in the intervention of physically and mentally deprived persons. This survey is directed by such aims and purposes to first examine and discourse Kirsty s instance from different societal work positions in order to understand the causes behind her bing emotional, mental and physical province. Such treatment and analysis is followed by the application of the 4P theoretical account for organizing Kirsty s status with the usage of predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors. A 4 P analysis will assist in understanding the assorted forces that are presently moving upon the kid every bit good as her assorted beginnings of strength, nutriment and comfort, and in make up ones minding upon possible interventionist schemes. The survey is structured into two chief subdivisions ; the first trades with the scrutiny of the events in Kirsty s life and her current physical and mental troubles, even as the 2nd efforts to place the 4P factors in her life in order to assist her to develop resiliency to get the better of her emotional and mental challenges. Analysis of Kirsty s Case Kirsty was born an IVF babe and, like most such babes, was a much wanted and loved kid. Whilst the instance survey does non supply elaborate inside informations about her childhood, it is clear that her male parent and female parent, particularly her male parent, doted upon her. Her secure, happy, and comfy childhood changed radically and everlastingly when she was merely about 8 with the decease of her male parent in a auto accident. With her female parent want to get down a new life after the calamity, the two of them moved off from Aberdeen, where they lived antecedently, and moved from house to house in Scotland until the clip her female parent remarried. Both of them thenceforth came to populate with her stepfather in his house, where all three continue to shack even now. Her present domestic environment appears to be disturbed. Her stepfather, a builder by profession, earns periodically and has a imbibing job. Whilst Kirsty s female parent works in a supermarket, the money she earns is non plenty to run into the demands of the household and changeless statements occur between the two grownups on the issue of money. Kirsty s stepfather physically abuses his married woman during the class of such statements, particularly when he has been imbibing. Whilst such battles do non happen in forepart of the kid, Kirsty frequently sees the Markss of physical force on her female parent s face. Kirsty loves her female parent really much but has of late begun to experience intrusive and in the manner of the two unhappy grownups. Kirsty attends secondary school and has for the last twelvemonth been taking lessons in playing the guitar. She is demoing some promise in music and remembers her male parent playing the guitar for her at her birthday parties when she was immature and he was still alive. Kirsty and her household have friendly neighbors. The neighbors invariably welcome her and the kids love and adore her. She is a quiet kid and is for such ground practically unnoticed in school because her category has a figure of loud and active kids who keep the category instructor busy. The miss has a few close friends at school and spends much of her clip with them. She has late started traveling out in the eventide with these friends and other immature people. They normally go to the park where they spend clip with each other. Some of the immature people bring inexpensive intoxicant to the park and Kirsty has started imbibing on a regular basis. This frequently leads to her waking up tardily in the forenoon and dropping out of traveling to school for the twenty-four hours. Kirsty is little and scraggy for her age and finds it hard to kip at dark. Her appetency is hapless and she frequently feels ill and suffers from katzenjammer symptoms. The neighbor is worried about Kirsty s wellness and Kirsty s female parent has late taken the kid to see a GP, who after a preliminary probe has decided to mention her instance to other services. It is obvious from the available fortunes of the instance that Kirsty is emotionally and mentally disturbed and that these jobs are furthermore impacting her physical wellness and her attending and public presentation at school. The miss s emotional and physical development has been adversely affected by specific events and fortunes, viz. ( a ) the loss of a much loved parent, when she was still a kid, ( B ) her memories of her male parent, which continue to remain with her, and ( degree Celsius ) her disturbed place environment, with its elements of intoxicant maltreatment and domestic force. Some of her present mental troubles can be explained by the usage of the Attachment Theory, foremost advanced by John Bowlby, which concerns the emotional bonding between two or more persons and suggests that kids must develop stable relationships with at least one of their primary attention givers for happening of normal development and growing ( Bowlby, 1988, p 5-11 ) . The attachment theory suggests that kids instinctively attach to their carers for endurance, for security and for eventual familial and behavioral reproduction ( Bowlby, 1988, p 5-11 ) . Sheltered babes and kids become free to concentrate and derive cognition from their environments ( Walker, 2008, p 3-5 ) . Whilst the birth female parent usually represents the chief attachment figure, it is besides really much possible that any other person who invariably adopts fussing ways can replace the female parent as the rule attachment figure ( Walker, 2008, p 3-5 ) . In Kirsty s instance it appears that her male parent assumed the function of the chief attachment figure. This fact is non wholly confirmed because of the deficiency of inside informations about her life before the decease of her male parent. The miss, even today, after a oversight of six old ages, remembers him playing the guitar and diverting her at her birthday parties. She besides appears to hold unconsciously imbibed his love for music and his genius for playing the guitar. Attachment upsets are likely to happen when kids, for different grounds, are unable to organize normal fond regards with their attention givers during their childhoods. Such attachment upsets can take to traumas and a scope of mental and physical troubles ( Solomon A ; Siegel, 2003, p117 ) . Children diagnosed with behavior upset, post-traumatic emphasis upset and oppositional-defiant upset frequently display attachment jobs, perchance because of the happening of fond regard upsets in their childhood ( Solomon A ; Siegel, 2003, p117 ) . It appears clear from Kirsty s history that she was closely affiliated to her male parent and that his tragic decease traumatised her significantly. Whilst her female parent did supply her with attention and support, the indispensable insecurity in their lives after the decease of her male parent, ( which continues even today and is accentuated by the environment of intoxicant maltreatment and domestic force at her place ) , has accentuated her inju ry. Childs from disturbed household backgrounds, particularly 1s that are characterised by force and substance maltreatment, are likely to endure from a scope of physical, mental and emotional jobs in comparing with other kids ( Taylor A ; Daniel, 2005, p 73-79 ) . Such kids, it has repeatedly been seen in the class of research and studies are far more likely ( a ) to make severely at school, ( B ) bead out of school, ( degree Celsius ) engage in smoke and in intoxicant and drug maltreatment, ( vitamin D ) have adolescent gestations, and ( vitamin E ) engage in delinquent or condemnable behavior ( Taylor A ; Daniel, 2005, p 73-79 ) . These kids and immature people are far less likely to travel to college than others and demo significantly greater inclinations for condemnable behavior. A recent study by research workers who studied 13,500 kids, populating with individual parents or measure parents, revealed that such kids were twice every bit likely as kids who stayed with their natural male parents and female parents, to develop emotional upsets, hyper-activity and hapless behavior ( Thaindian News, 2010, p 1-2 ) . Whilst 15 % of the kids who lived with measure parents displayed terrible behavioral jobs, the corresponding figure for kids who stayed with both natural parents was less than 6 % ( Thaindian News, 2010, p 1-2 ) . Kirsty does non merely endure from the disadvantages of being unable to remain with her two natural parents, but is besides under force per unit area because of a place environment that is disturbed on history of issues like low income, domestic force and intoxicant maltreatment ( Thaindian News, 2010, p 1-2 ) . It is obvious from this analysis that Kirsty is highly vulnerable to the development of different types of mental and physical complaints because of her past history of loss, mourning and injury and her present household fortunes of low income, intoxicant maltreatment and domestic force. The subsequent subdivision attempts to look at ways and agencies for designation of the predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors for Kirsty that can take to the oncoming of mental and emotional upsets and complaints, as besides the protective factors that can assist her to develop the necessary resiliency to get the better of her bing troubles and challenges. Designation of Predisposing, Precipitating, Perpetuating and Protective Factors The 4 P theoretical account concerns the scrutiny, analysis and diagnosing of four specific factors, which can assist in organizing the emotional and mental conditions of a kid ( Turner, 2005, p 33-39 ) . Such diagnosing enables the preparation of intercessions that address revealed forms of troubles and strengths help in working with persons with complex issues ( Turner, 2005, p 33-39 ) . Predisposing factors constitute the set of characteristics that make kids vulnerable to mental and emotional jobs. The predisposing factors, like the other 3Ps can be socio-environmental or biological-psychological in nature ( Hughes, 2003, p 271-277 ) . Such predisposing factors concern non merely specifically the kid but include factors that are associated with the households and environments in which kids live ( Hughes, 2003, p 271-277 ) . Individual predisposing factors can include familial influences, gender, low IQ, specific developmental holds, communicating troubles, hard dispositions, physical unwellness or even academic failure. Male kids, for illustration, are seen to be more predisposed than females for the oncoming of mental troubles ( Gitterman, 2001, p 111-117 ) . Family factors can include issues like ( a ) struggle between parents and household dislocation, ( B ) inconsistent or equivocal subject, ( degree Celsius ) hostile or rejecting relationships, ( vitamin D ) f ailure of parents to accommodate and set to the altering developmental demands of the kid, ( vitamin E ) maltreatment, physical, sexual and emotional, ( degree Fahrenheit ) psychiatric troubles of parents, and ( g ) criminalism, alcohol addiction and personality upsets of parents ( Gitterman, 2001, p 111-117 ) . Predisposing environmental factors include issues like ( a ) socio-economic disadvantage, ( B ) homelessness, ( degree Celsius ) favoritism, and ( vitamin D ) intimidation at school or maltreatment by friends ( Gitterman, 2001, p 111-117 ) . Precipitating factors concern current symptoms and include any cause that can take to showing of symptoms and aid in diagnostic logical thinking sing the function of motivating happenings and concurrent unwellnesss ( Crozier A ; Alden, 2001, p 76-84 ) . Such factors can include desirable ego injury after an statement or difference with a loved individual, a alteration in a favorite school or even a physical unwellness that can take to effects like school refusal ( Crozier A ; Alden, 2001, p 76-84 ) . Perpetuating factors represent the characteristics that live to the continuation of the state of affairs like the badness of fortunes, issues with conformities and even unresolved predisposing and precipitating factors. Such factors can once more, like predisposing factors pertain specifically to the kid, the household or even the environment ( Crozier A ; Alden, 2001, p 76-84 ) . Protective factors on the other manus concern the strengths, resiliency and supports that are available to kids and grownups ( Herrenkohl, et Al, 2003, p 179-180 ) . They include factors like ( a ) ego regard, ( B ) sociableness and liberty, ( degree Celsius ) norm or higher than mean IQ, ( vitamin D ) household compassion, ( vitamin E ) absence of parental strife and ( degree Fahrenheit ) societal support systems that encourage people to do personal attempts and get by with their fortunes and originate above them ( Herrenkohl, et Al, 2003, p 179-180 ) . The 4P theoretical account can be used efficaciously both to understand Kirsty s present fortunes and her strengths and supports that can assist her to get the better of her hurt and her challenges. Taking up the issue of predisposing factors foremost, it is clear that the kid does non look to hold any important familial exposure for the oncoming of mental upsets or complaints. Both her biological parents, as per available information, appear to be normal, good adjusted and happy persons who wished to do their matrimony and household work and took a specific determination to hold an IVF babe. The kid is quiet and diffident and does non at present appear to be on really close footings with her female parent. This is evidenced from the fact that female parent and kid do non portion assurances with each other about their lives or their present hard economic fortunes. Kirsty s hard household fortunes, particularly the troubles associated with their holding to get by on low and irregular incomes, the intoxicant maltreatment of her measure male parent and the physical force being experienced by her female parent, are besides strong predisposing factors. Precipitating factors in her instance could include terrible action by the school governments in response to the recent absences from school and possible bead in academic public presentation, escalation of force against her female parent, loss of her employment and farther deterioration of economic state of affairs, or the development of a physical unwellness by her or her female parent. Kirsty is a little and physically frail kid. She eats much less than she should and is likely to be vulnerable to infection and disease that can be picked up at school or exterior. The happening of any of the described events could precipitate emotional and mental perturbation. Kirsty has started imbibing sneakily in the company of her friends and inordinate intoxicant ingestion can take to the development of physical complaints, sing the hapless province of her current wellness. Her parents may besides happen out about her imbibing and this could take to important unpleasantness in the household. Su ch an event can besides be a major precipitating factor. Perpetuating factors can associate to the kid, the household or the environment. In Kristy s instance the most of import perpetuating factors are evidently the deficiency of intervention for her status and changeless maltreatment her organic structure is being subjected to because of under feeding, combined with consumption of intoxicant. The continuation of disturbed and low income household fortunes is besides working towards perpetuating her exposure to mental complaints. Kirsty nevertheless besides has a figure of protective factors that can assist her in developing resiliency and in get the better ofing her emotional and mental troubles and challenges. She has a strong, warm and loving relationship with her female parent, which is unluckily under force per unit area because of the disturbed place environment and the troubles that have emerged in the relationship between her female parent and her stepfather. The relationship between female parent and kid, whilst under force per unit area, continues to be strong and can be a beginning of strength for both of them. Kirsty besides has a warm and fond relationship with her neighbors and some of her school friends. Whilst she is non good known in her school, she does non look to be disliked and both the school and her school friends can go beginnings of huge strength to her. She has already started demoing promise in music. This can take to greater proficiency and to grasp from the outside universe, which in bend can assist her to develop assurance and ego regard. Decisions Kirsty, a much loved kid lost her darling male parent when she was 8 and now lives with her female parent and stepfather. The miss has of late been exposing marks of emotional and mental perturbation and unnatural delinquent behavior. Her wellness every bit good as her attending and public presentation at school have begun to endure. This survey foremost aims to analyze and discourse Kirsty s instance from different societal work positions in order to understand the causes behind her bing emotional, mental and physical province. Such treatment and analysis is followed by the application of the 4P theoretical account for organizing Kirsty s status into predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors. Kirsty was born an IVF babe and, as most such babes, was a much wanted and loved kid. Her secure, happy, and comfy childhood changed radically when she was merely about 8 with the decease of her male parent in a auto accident. With her female parent want to get down a new life after the calamity, she remarried. Both of them thenceforth came to populate with her stepfather in his house, where all three continue to shack even now. Her present domestic environment appears to be disturbed. Her stepfather earns periodically and has a imbibing job. Kirsty frequently sees the Markss of physical force on her female parent s face. Some of her present mental troubles can be ascribed to the fond regard theory, which suggests that kids instinctively attach to their carers for endurance, for security and for eventual familial and behavioral reproduction and that kids must develop stable relationships with at least one of their primary attention givers for happening of normal development and growi ng. The 4 P theoretical account concerns the scrutiny, analysis and diagnosing of four specific factors, which can assist in organizing the emotional and mental conditions of a kid. The application of the 4 P theoretical account allows for the apprehension of her predisposing, precipitation g and perpetuating factors, every bit good as the assorted protective factors that can assist her in developing resiliency and in get the better ofing her emotional and mental troubles and challenges. It is of import nevertheless to observe that some of the illations have been made about available cognition about her past relationship with her male parent. Such information may be uncomplete and lead to erroneous decisions. Mentions Bowlby, J. , 1988, A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory, Routledge: London. Crozier, W. R. A ; Alden, L. E. , 2001, International Handbook of Social Anxiety: Concepts, Research, and Interventions Relating to the Self and Shyness, New York: John Wiley A ; Sons. Gitterman, A. ( Ed. ) , 2001, Handbook of Social Work Practice with Vulnerable and Resilient Populations ( 2nd ed. ) , New York: Columbia University Press. Herrenkohl, T. I. , Hill, K. G. , Chung, I. , Guo, J. , Abbott, R. D. , A ; Hawkins, J. D. , 2003, Protective Factors against Serious Violent Behavior in Adolescence: A Prospective Survey of Aggressive Children , Social Work Research, 27 ( 3 ) , 179. Hughes, D, 2003, Psychological intercessions for the spectrum of fond regard upsets and interfamilial injury , Attachment and Human Development, 5: 3, pp 271-277. Humphreys, C. , 2000, Social Work, Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Challenging Practice, Bristol, England: Policy Press. Petr, C. G. , 2003, Social Work with Children and Their Families: Matter-of-fact Foundations ( 2nd ed. ) , New York: Oxford University Press. Solomon, M. , A ; Siegel, D. , 2003, Mending Trauma, fond regard, head, organic structure and encephalon, NY: W.W. Norton and Co. Taylor, J. A ; Daniel, B. ( Eds. ) , 2005, Child Neglect: Practice Issues for Health and Social Care, London: Jessica Kingsley. Turner, F. J. ( Ed. ) . , 2005, Social Work Diagnosis in Contemporary Practice, New York: Oxford University Press. Thaindian News, 2010, Children from broken places twice every bit likely to hold emotional jobs , Thaindian.com Company Limited, Available at: www.thaindian.com/ /children-from-broken-homes-twice-as-likely-to-have-emotional-problems_100444624.htmlA -A United States ( accessed December 4, 2010 ) . Walker, J. , 2008, The Use of Attachment Theory in Adoption and Fostering , Available at: jim-walker.co.uk/ /The % 20use % 20of % 20attachment % 20theory % 20in % 20adoption % 2 ( accessed December 4, 2010 ) .

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