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Lab report for combination of polystyrene Paper Every monomer is fused into the polymer is known as a recurrent unit or monomer buildup. ...

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Insanity Plea By Winslad And Ross: Summary Essay -- essays researc

The Insanity Plea by Winslad and Ross: Summary The Insanity Plea is a book about the Uses & Abuses of the Insanity Defense in various cases. The book is by William J. Winslade and Judith Wilson Ross. In this report, I will basically summarize the book and tell you different ways people have used and abused the Criminal Justice System using The Insanity Plea. I will first talk about the case of Dan White. On November 18, 1978, Preliminary reports began broadcasting news of the events in a town called Jonestown, at first all that was known, was that people of a religious cult shot and may have even killed California Congressman Leo Ryan. Then on November 27, 9 days after the news of the death of Congressman Ryan another 2 deaths happened. George Moscone, the mayor of San Francisco, and Harvey Milk, a city supervisor and the leader of San Francisco's politically active gay community, had been shot and killed at death in the San Francisco City Hall. The Police then sniffed-out and charged Dan White with the murders of the 3 people. In 2 years the trial ended with the verdict of guilty on the account of manslaughter. He was later sentenced to 7 years and 8 months in a Prison, with a possibility of parole after 5. After the verdict there were Riots breaking out in the streets because of the verdict. Before hand he was elected a Supervisor and resigned because he didn't like the way that Politics worked. The point before, that I may not have mentioned, is that the defense argued that he was insane and that "a person with a normal background who was brought up in a good home, something is obviously missing." Since he was being charged on 3 accounts of Murder in the 1st, they somewhat bought the insane defense so they lowered his charges to 1 account of voluntary manslaughter, where he received 7 years and 8 months with a possibility of parole after 5 years. In the summer of 1978, Lyman Bostock seemed to have it made very good. He was one of the 3 highest paid players EVER in the American League and he was highly regarded by fans and sportscasters alike. Then one errie, summer night at 10:30 Lyman Bostock was gunned down at Fifth and Jackson in downtown Gary, Illinois while he was riding in the back seat of his uncle's Buick with a twelve gauge shot gun, that was fired by a Mr Leonard Smith. Leonard Smith was a 33 year... ...he Cyprus Houses. He searched the house and found nothing. He undid the leather to allow easy access to his gun as he came out of the building. A group of black teenagers, including Randy approached the building and shouted out to Torsney and asked if his apartment had been searched. Torsney immediately pulled his gun and shot him in the head. Torsney was found with 5 years in a Loony Bin with help from other people. The book itself only gave the plain hard facts on the case and the author did not say anything about his oppinion on any case so I will expand my oppinion. I think that the Insanity Plea is often mis-used, ordianary people just like you and me get of with only 4 years in a mental home for killing people. Also the people who actually ARE insane sometimes get ruled down and are put in jail, where they commit even more crimes. So as you can see, sometimes the Insanity plea was put to good use and some bad, well I guess that is just an opinion. There were more cases left in the book but those were the most important ones in the book, if I took the time to do all of them, This report would be 20 pages long. I thank you for reading it, adios.

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